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52 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. @owncredible plans for CCL? It feeds into the new fifa club world cup and intercontinental cup (if fm24 has implemented those yet). look’s amazing, great work!
  2. Well this is a realism db so the academies should account for most of the good newgens, but our current best player started at Pennsylvania Classics IIRC, so there should also be a chance for them to appear outside the academies, too! No clue how to go about affecting this, though. thanks for the reply!
  3. Any hunch on whether this will port nicely to fm25? Are worthwhile newgens appearing outside MLS academies? Id like to load this DB then manage in german lower leagues and establish a pipeline for US newgens to buy and sell on in Europe. Thanks!
  4. I shall be satisfied if this means they made it work at all! Still clears out all of my players after a few continues. Open issues: 1, 2, 3, ...
  5. Really unfortunate since it was one of the key selling points for FM23 and has a lot of potential.
  6. It's not resolved in my save, sadly. I specified players for a number of positions for 'next season', but my selections were completely scrambled and mixed with other players later on (possibly after saving and reloading, possibly during the same session, don't recall now). Just checked again and all players are now missing from the planner. So clearly undesirable things are still happening.
  7. I'm hopeful for a fix in 23.3, but nothing has been guaranteed. It's entirely possible that it won't be fixed in FM23 (could even remain in FM24 for all we know). I initially refunded my purchase, since a custom db was central to how I wanted to play, but Ive since repurchased and found a new way to play. It's less enjoyable this way and really frustrating but IMO better than potentially waiting a month, a year, or potentially even longer for the situation to be fixed.
  8. I ran into this problem on 23.2 a couple days ago. Have had to give up on the squad planner, which is sad because it was really helpful when it worked. Edit: Ah, I actually tagged you in a comment about it already apologies for the spam.
  9. @Kyle BrownI had this issue today, the squad planner (in my second season) doesn't seem to save my changes for very long, though I'm unsure of what the trigger would be. Clicking next, or going into a match, perhaps? Fiddling with roles in the tactic? Unclear. Very often, it seems to simply add players semi-randomly back to all the positions - not necessarily sorted in order by quality (best players often at the bottom) Other times, the positions are all empty, like this bug report. I've uploaded Trier.fm using the cloud upload service, thanks!
  10. Really enjoying your writing, thanks for taking the time! I notice you’ve got your poacher, who doesn’t run the channels, on the side of the interiore on attack duty. Is that to prevent the channel from getting clogged up with two players? I’m playing at a level much, much lower than the Championship, and am thinking of using IW(S) in place of WP since even my best playmaker isn’t really reliable. I’m getting the most success from balls over the top and crosses from overlapping fullbacks, not much intricacy through the middle, which is fine and I guess to be expected in the 4th tier anywhere. Looking forward to growing into the more intricate style of play when I can afford it! A knock on to the struggle to play through the middle… I occasionally ask my fullbacks to “Stay wider” which has helped us to progress the ball at times.
  11. You could move that side’s dm up to cm to make the IWB move inside? Defensive shape might suffer, though.
  12. I am enjoying the heck out of this down in the 4th tier of Germany, thanks for the post! Don’t have the creatives for proper interiores but putting them both on support and both fullbacks on attack is helping me brute force my way through our lack of quality, and we’re still surprisingly solid on the flanks. This is a really nice compliment to my main 4-1-4-1 fluid counter tactic. Thanks!
  13. @easymacbb Did you run into this issue? It seems to affect most databases which edit the USA, but maybe you've sidestepped the issue by staying away from advanced rules? If you've not run into this, or some other issue that affects long-term saves, then I'll probably pick up FM23 and start my journey (finally!)
  14. Yeah it looks pretty powerful. I was hoping to create something I could share with other FM players which would automatically/effortlessly export game data while you play. The next step would be to do something fun with that data to support the folks who like to write career updates, or just for any player to better visualize aspects of their save. Still very much ideating on that front, but step #1 remains getting the data, so thanks for this, AHK seems viable.
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