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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"



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    Scottish, been playing FM/CM since the Champ Man Italia days.

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    Scottish, been playing FM/CM since the Champ Man Italia days.


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    Football, Boxing, Basketball, Gaming.

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  1. First off - terrific update mate. I’ll test this out. Quick question - have you added in a U19 league? As such a thing does exist in San Marino - it is just missing from a lot of custom DB. I think according to @SoloTitano, only around 20% of the VSM newgens will be Sammarinese. So the best way would be to build the facilities of the Sammarinese team you’re managing to boost it. on a side note - did you incrementally increase the TV money at all? Or make it dynamic if possible? The reason I ask is that if the league were to grow in real life - hypothetically - then it would become a richer league? As in it would generate more revenue. This would also bleed into the other SM clubs allowing them to improve on their own. lastly - I am in frequent contact with a journalist who covers the Campionato a lot so am happy to pass you his details should you have any questions to ask of the league. He told me first instance that in the local news there they are talking of adding a 16th team to the league next year. Made up only of SM youth players. again - top work.
  2. Im not sure if you can bud. I haven’t played in long enough to know. So I always just set them as the scouting range.
  3. Hire scouts and have them search the scouting pool for players. best to leave the stars searched at 2 stars maybe for current ability as you won't get a lot of great players at the beginning. You'll be building the team around Nanni, Berardi, Benedettini and Fabbri basically for the first few years.
  4. Updated the OP with the best working database along with a link to THIS SEASONS SS style Kits for the Sammarinese teams.
  5. I simulated a season to check if the league winners were correct as per the screenshots I shared earlier. I am currently in discussion with AGE to see if he can add a simple U19 league to the database for the development of youth players.
  6. Not sure what the actual issue was with that? But here is how the fixtures played out in full for the season tested.
  7. If you want the squad reg rules I’ll be home in around an hour I can send you the updated file
  8. I've managed to add the 25 player rule to the Campionato Sammarinese. So really the only thing that would be great would be a youth league added.
  9. I have run a test of the AGE database again and so far I can see: League winner is crowned champions and it shows on the Club history and League History screens. the playoff includes teams placed 2nd - 11th in the league. at least 1 Sammarinese player in the on-field 11. So that part is all good I think. the only thing I noticed missing was the maximum 25 players register for the Campionato Sammarinese. I also left a comment on his workshop item to ask how easy or difficult it would be to add a U19 league in purely for FM purposes. So far I think this is the most playable DB with the champions issue that Luron's has.
  10. Hi mate, So far the DB doesn't seem to be 100% accurate just yet. It's close but there seems to be something missing that records the league champions as past winners after the first season. The creator, Luron, has been made aware of the issues but he is not able to have a look at it until the weekend he has said. So we may have to wait a few days yet.
  11. So the manager history shows it but not the league or club history?
  12. No it doesn't. I tested it last night and have commented on his workshop to let him know.
  13. I'm sure the rules of the Bartolomeus DB are further from accurate than Lurons. I'm sure Barts still has the league winner in the play offs.
  14. Have downloaded the Latest Luron DB as well as the Eccelenza by Timo. So far the San Marino transfer window is working (showing dates). Will run a season and check the rest properly with the trophy wins etc.
  15. Argh that’s slightly annoying if the DB isn’t showing league wins on the club history side. did the latest update by Luron fix this? I noticed the transfer window but I decided to press on. im up to November in my first season and I’m not sure if it will bug me enough to have to start again 🥲. Apologies for anyone it’s annoyed - I did test but I was too eager to start and didn’t check the full depth.
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