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  1. FM24 production circle is over. There will be no further updates.
  2. From manual: Team Fluidity The number of attack, defend and support duties you set within a Formation while using a certain Mentality is reflected in your Team Fluidity. For example, a Balanced Mentality and a Balanced Fluidity has three players with Defend duties, four players with Support Duties, and three players with Attack duties. Your distribution of duties determines whether you move up or down the scale to more attacking or defensive football, and whether you apply more fluid or more rigid approaches. If you set seven players to have Attack Duties and three players with Defend duties, you’ll be playing with a Very Attacking mentality but a Very Rigid fluidity, as you haven’t provided sufficient balance within your overly attacking setup. Balancing this with more Support duties will achieve a more fluid result, and the same rule applies across the board, so feel free to play around with your options and see what happens – there is no single correct ‘solution’. Your overall Fluidity is always indicated to you on the Tactics Overview screen.
  3. Yeah, a Greek team to play in EU final since 70s (was Panathinaikos vs Ajax, 53 years ago) with a league (Greek Super League) sitting 15th while Serie A is on Top 5 and while Olympiacos has been won against Aston Villa, a team from Premier League with triple budget - going to ECF final against Fiorentina; is something we see very year. And Olympiacos was finished 3rd in Greek Super League. Let's be serious.
  4. You can install it in two different hardwares. You don't have to buy it again. Install the Steam or Epic in your new hardware, log in to your account and download the game.
  5. If you hover the mouse in "heart" icon shows further information. Fitness level like 63% does not exist IRL, so they hide it (actual numbers available with In-Game Editor) and visual representation is the "heart" icon.
  6. It's summer, YouTubers need to create something. So, let's make a video for a well known thing in FM for many years. And let's put "broken" to make more drama. Nothing to see here. Let's move on.
  7. Pretty sure Olympiacos beating Aston Villa is the most recent example. And winning Europa Conference League against Fiorentina.
  8. The pop-up messages - suggestions; if you choose "Ignore All Time" will be for the specific match and not for all games. Wish if there was an option to turn-off all suggestions from Assistant Manager, but currently I just ignore them.
  9. To be honest, you can give your thoughts in Sports Interactive how things should work, according to your POV. https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/forum/680-football-manager-feature-requests/ - Which part is broken (budgets, transfer values, reputation, all of them). - How they need to approach with IRL examples in order to be more understandable and have a base point. To name a few points.
  10. Is based on previous spendings and revenues. Simple answer is: Increase the revenue.
  11. It depends of score and opp. team reputation, ability and if it's home or away. For example: Sheff United - Man City You play as Sheff United in your home. In half-time you win 1-0. I would choose Pump Fists and the first option available (from top). At the end of the match, you lost 1-2. I will choose "Unlucky boys..." Be more cautious when you lose away.
  12. It depends by what phase of the match you are. Pump Fists is more like "Encourage". Outstretched Arms is when things going well. From the options, you seem like you win. Maybe "Point Finger". When you choose a Gesture, some options are being disabled and leaves what is appropriate for such a "tone". Your Motivation attribute and players personalities kick in here.
  13. Unloaded league uses the QME and not the actual ME. There is a big difference, and that's why FrazT said about active league.
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