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Everything posted by xenomorphing

  1. I'm not comfortable sharing this save as it contains my full legal name, but here below some more information: I started the season in first amateur with mandel united. The second season was also in first amateur. In both these seasons the u18s took part of the u19 National 1 league, Finishing 14th and 2nd respectively. I promoted after that. My third season was spent in the challenger pro league. This is when the u18 fell without competition. Promoted to first season after that. Still without competition. Interestingly enough, when looking at filters in the fixture section, the competition "u19 national 1" still shows up as a ticked box. This looks exactly like the issue from last year for the u18s. The u21s is a different story (compared to last years issue). There everything seems to go correct. Started in Reserve national 1. Went to reserve league 2 when i promoted to 1B. They're now part of reserve league 1, since I promoted to the first division. I'm wondering, because I don't know: is there a difference in development if players only play scheduled friendlies compared to competitions? otherwise I'm gonna use that as temporary fix, otherwise gonna have to move everyone to u21s.
  2. Yes i conclude to bashing because once again i mentioned 2 issues and you only adress half of one. the playoff would LITERALLY SERVE NO PURPOSE if the winner of it gets no barrage matches or ticket when someone in another division wins the cup. The league changes are literally done to reduce useless matches, that's one of their main arguments. This feature is literally missing in the game, and is not a question of "pro league being unclear" but of you guys not properly researching. The new structure, for the 5th time, is literally an altered return of something that existed for a long time. There is NO chance the winner of the european playoff will always get the ticket straight. You still haven't read the pdf file i sent you? Like cmon lol. You're just being in denial right now. Are you suprised about being bashed? This issue was reported in the beta, and not fixed. This league has been a mess in multiple editions while you guys charge 60 euros a year for. If you guys did your job, instead of acting smug and ignorant like you have done this discussion, then no one on this forum would be "bashing". Not gonna argue further cause this is pointless.
  3. The article you posted is literally about this season only. The original article op posted and i repeated is literally a detailed plan laid out by the officials from the Belgian league. A playoff game has always been played since the introduction of playoffs, because it makes no sense to reward 7th more than 5th or 4th place... The second playoff has always had the concept of a chance at winning a european ticket, not a guaranteed one. This only changed last few seasons because of covid reduced the first group to 4 teams. Can you just look at the source and take the word of someone who actually watches this league for over a decade now?
  4. The source you just shared is about this season. The source i shared in the other thread and the problem were talking about is about next season. 5th or 4th place depending on the cup winner always plays a playoff game against the winner of the second playoff. Its been like this since forever. Did you read my post? The league couldve been playable after 3 editions of 60 bucks if you guys did some simple research and testing.
  5. The original source reported in OCTOBER seems pretty clear to me... https://www.proleague.be/nl/pl/news/pro-league-legt-stevige-fundamenten-voor-het-belgisch-profvoetbal "De Kampioenen Play-off zal afgewerkt worden met de 6 hoogst gerangschikte teams, die strijden om de titel. De Europa Play-off wordt door de nummers 7 tot 12 gespeeld, waarbij de winnaar van deze play-off het opneemt tegen de 4de uit de Kampioenen Play-off voor het laatste Europees ticket." "The Champions Play-off will be completed with the 6 highest ranked teams competing for the title. The Europe Play-off is played by the numbers 7 to 12, with the winner of this play-off competing against the 4th from the Champions Play-off for the last European ticket." The last ticket, indicating a conference league ticket. Seems like if someone wins the cup (europa league ticket) and finishes top 4, the 5th place plays the play-off instead, because the last ticket is pushed down. This is how its been for a while now, only changed by a temporary change because of covid... I'm dissapointed this has never been looked at, despite being reported during the beta... edit: found a complete pdf explaining the changes, also reported inside the link of the original thread.. : https://www.proleague.be/dato/25478/1669993673-football-first-nl.pdf
  6. Not even limited to minor issues. Just rediscovered a major bug of the u18s not playing in any competition when promoting in the Belgian league. This issue was reported in FM21, reported in FM22 (then fixed) and still exists in FM23, and will likely see a return in FM24 at this rate. Plenty of examples of FM21 bugs still present, and that for a yearly 60$ pricetag.
  7. My u18 is no longer in a competition after i promoted from third to second division. I'm in first division now, still no competition. This is a reocurring bug from last year...
  8. Reported it in another thread: From what I've seen, this is truely the last issue with this competition, so it would be good if it could be fixed in this edition still, and give a bugfree experience for everyone.
  9. There is no playoff between 5th place and the winner of the european playoff. The 5th place gets nothing, and the winner of the playoff automatically gets the ticket. There was no playoff between antwerp and union in this example. Union got it automatically. Brugge was the cup winner. Things get weirder when the cup winner isn't a top 4 club. I won the cup as a second division team in 2024-2025. The top 4 of the first playoff got european spots. The winner of the european playoff got nothing, not a playoff game against 4th place either. Hope it can be fixed in this edition still...
  10. He's right, no playoff game is played between 5th and winner of the european playoffs. I just checked in my current save. I want to add another issue: I won the cup in the 2024-2025 season as a second division team. No playoff game was played either which rendered the european playoff useless. The winner of the playoff got nothing, not even a playoff game.
  11. Sorry for the delays... I'll try to do by friday at the latest.
  12. You just described the definition of a last man foul... This term is always used by commentators aswell, and referee/var explanations. Yes, I saw 2 examples, yet I think the multiple people I asked, the hours I have in the last editions, and the 4 people that upvoted the comment, are a better sample size to show that it's an issue. But fine, I'll report it there once i encounter it again.
  13. The concept of a last man foul absolutely does still exist... My point from the start has been that denying a clear goal scoring opportunity is pretty much always red, and that reds are often given aswell for penalties, or second yellows. Both these facts are not accurately represented in this game. Below a couple from memory from the last few months: All examples from multiple top European leagues mostly in 2023 alone. Should I keep going?
  14. Lol. Not sure why I'm bothering at this point. Ur stil not grasping what I said, and that's clearly because you don't want to. Gonna leave it at that.
  15. Is this how you treat all people who gave valid criticism? You keep finding ways of going around the reported issue. It's a feedback thread. I gave the feedback that something in reality, is not accurately represented in this game. You think I'd make this critisicm if I wasn't sure and the only one noticing it? Would expect less ignorance from a moderator.
  16. So you did in fact not read what I said. Thank you for confirming. right before you even said anything: literally replied this to your earlier comment:
  17. Lmao. Did you even read what i said? Twice? It's like you didn't read a single word.
  18. Once again, the game could've seen it as a foul on its own, apart from it being a penalty or not. And it's still wrong, considering this is a straight red. I'll repeat this point for this scenario aswell. I'm far from the only one who has noticed both issues. Posting examples of this is not gonna change the experience alot of people have.
  19. In reality, that's a straight red, not a second yellow. The game probably just noted that as a foul, instead of last man.
  20. Interesting, so it is in the game, yet it is rarely given. Thats still a big issue. My point still stands.
  21. Did he get a red specifically because it was a last man foul? Or just a dirty foul?
  22. ??? That's flat out wrong. Last man foul is pretty much always red. It happened so many times this season across multiple leagues, just like how it always has. I watch 5+ games a weekend and not once have I seen someone make a last man foul without getting red, or extreme controversy as to why he didn't get a red. "Accidental last man fouls" pretty much never happen, and if they do, it's most of the time still met with red. And I have 3000 hours over the last 3 FM's. I've not once, seen a player get a red for a last man foul. It likely doesn't even exist in the game.
  23. It's insane how this game still has no concept of a "last man" foul. Should always be a red. I've yet to see this happen ever. Same for penalties. I've never seen someone get a second yellow for causing a penalty. Why??
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