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Everything posted by jayedson

  1. We all love a new stadium as FM managers, especially when bringing a small club up through the leagues and to elite football. After plans for new stadiums are announced (the blueprints are a nice visual touch) and the anticipation of the build being completed, it's a bit of an anti-climax when you get the boring news item - 'the x board have proudly announced the completion of the club's move to x stadium. During a brief ceremony at the new ground, a spokesperson......' How about we 'see' this brief ceremony? The stadium is already now built into the code so could use a combination of already existing pre-match shots of the ground and perhaps a tweaked version of a trophy lift but instead of a trophy, it's the manager going up to shake the chairman's hand. Although I guess this may all be redeveloped on the unity engine. I'd love it as it's one of my favourite achievements in FM - to get a new stadium built for my club! (by the way - feel free to leave out a random member of the board doing a cartwheel - we can probably do without that)
  2. Fairly minor dynamics problem but seems like a small bug nonetheless. Wanted to sell player so transfer listed them and offered out. Received a bid so player now unhappy and wants to leave / join the bidding club as no longer wanted. Not really sure why this becomes a player happiness issue anyway as they are getting what they want. It's all fine, we're all on the same page anyway, I don't want to stop him leaving. I accept the bid unconditionally but given the dates of the transfer windows, our player has to wait until 1st July to start his new contract at new club (currently 29th March and our swedish transfer window just closed). So the player got the move they wanted and agreed a deal to join PAOK. However after confirmation, the unhappiness still remains (as they can't move until 1st July). He has the positive "looking forward to moving clubs" but the negative "wants to join PAOK...." still remains. Save uploaded just prior to transfer confirmation so you can confirm the transfer, move on a few days and see player still unhappy.
  3. This is a long-standing issue that I've experienced several times. Current example - I have a player whose contract expired 30th Nov. They agreed a pre-contract deal with another club but that contract starts 1st Jan. Instead of them leaving my club 30th Nov and waiting for their new contract to start, they end up stuck at my club, with me paying their wages, until 1st Jan. Cannot 'set for release' ahead of contract end, or release when contract expires. Sometimes it can be a few months gap between these contracts and doesn't seem fair to have to keep paying their wages over this time! Would obviously be worse at a big club with huge wage bill. Save uploaded dated 29th Nov so you can see unable to set for release, and can continue a couple of days to 1st Dec to see you can't release them.
  4. Thanks @Michael Sant - for what it's worth, it feels like a bug as I have new signings Cataldi and Joelsson only here a couple of months and they're influential already as you can see. Schlager also stuck below 17/18 yr old youth players. He's very experienced, high reputation (compared to squad), an international and my vice captain, I would have normally seen him rise much quicker at least to influential / highly influential but he's rock bottom.
  5. New first team goalkeeper signed 1st February. Now 1st October and he is still stuck at bottom of dynamics pyramid. 32 year-old experienced international goalkeeper, apparently 6th best player in my squad, great leadership skills so made him my vice captain when he signed. 2.5 star reputation (easily highest in my squad) yet he's stuck at the bottom, below a few youth players who are in my senior squad and also below some newer recent signings who have much lower rep and CA but yet are above him... Feels like he is actually 'stuck' as opposed to this being a real reflection of his position in the squad.
  6. Me again! Sorry but things have progressed with a further issue identified. Moving through my game and getting to 16th September and suddenly now my team leader is happy with the squad depth (perhaps he wanted to see the new signing in training for a few weeks! ) However, I have 5 squad members who still 'support' their team-mate and agree with the lack of sufficient quality squad depth - they should probably drop this at the same time the original player does right? Screenshot shows Lushaku with the promise against his name but now no issues with management, but other players still 'supporting' their team-mate.
  7. Ah, thanks @Russell Hammant I guess I've been used to the 'promise failed' then player asking what am I going to do about it, to prompt another interaction, but that's fine, I realise that isn't always the case now. Shame the promise wasn't met though, I think I improved the depth greatly!
  8. Thanks @Zachary Whyte - sorry just to add, continuing a couple of days to 2nd Sep and I get the below message about promise failed, but there is no option to speak to the player in the bottom right as there normally should be...can't bring up the topic for discussion via the player discussion menu either.
  9. Hey @Zachary Whyte - even with latest update (24.2.0), I have had the issue of goalkeeper squad depth come up, so I addressed it buying a very decent back-up goalkeeper. Unfortunately it hasn't appeased the squad as it should have done, now the primary player with the complaint is pleased improvements will be made at end of season (mid season transfer window just closed) as opposed to having the promise fulfilled. My goalkeepers prior to latest purchase were 3.5/3.5, 2/2 and 1/2.5 stars so fair enough they thought the back-up wasn't good enough. My new purchase is a 3/3 star player - so now my number 1 is a 'leading' player for my league and new back-up is a 'good' player for this league. With another additional back-up making three decent keepers in the squad I feel this should have been enough to fulfil the promise. Otherwise I am stuck with morale issues for half a season. Have uploaded save just prior to confirming new quality back-up goalkeeper - [goalkeeper_confirmation.fm]
  10. Not very high priority at all but I just had to have an outfield player in goal for 83 mins of a game. Was thinking it would be a nice visual touch if they had their outfield kit on (shorts and socks) with just a goalkeeper shirt on - as this is usually what ends up happening IRL. Also watching the ME, it didn't appear that they played or were animated that differently to a regular GK so would be good if there could be a bit more chaos thrown in - fumbled catches, dropped balls etc. The opposing team also didn't appear to change tactic - would be good if they started launching balls into the box more, in my example the opposing team even carried on with their short corners, they didn't seem to want to take advantage of an outfield player in goal.
  11. I fully agree and mentioned similar in the feedback thread. At the very minimum, there needs to be an adjustment to the nationalities and current wage of suggested players, then some additional logic and parameters you can give the DoF to work with would be really helpful. An example of where the DoF transfer target suggestions are virtually useless are in leagues with strict rules on number of foreign players allowed etc. In my current save in the J2 League, I am only allowed 4 foreign players in each matchday squad. I have 6 foreign players in my squad so goes without saying I don't need anymore, I need to target domestic japanese players really. Out of interest I asked my DoF for tranfer suggestions in every single position under every category (transfer, loan, end of contract and free transfer). Out of 129 suggestions, given my current DoF has spent his entire playing and coaching career in Japan, how many of these suggestions do you think were Japanese? 13.
  12. As an example, I want to shout to 'encourage' my players as we are drawing 1-1 but we are mid-highlight. If the highlight results in a goal for us, I now know that the shout would occur after the goal, so 2-1 up and would confuse / frustrate the players. In the instances when this is going to happen, I think I manage to get around it by going into the tactics screen as the goal is being score, then clicking 'cancel' - when returning to the match this seems to cancel the shout too so there is a workaround but it is not clear or intuitive. Maybe in the shout box, there could be a small 'x' with a tooltip saying 'cancel shout' so this could be pressed if a goal was scored in the highlight, prior to the scheduled shout having its effect.
  13. Did a quick search and quite surprised I didn't find anyone mentioning this but maybe I missed it, apologies if so. Anyway - I've always thought after a penalty, you get a replay of the penalty being taken / scored but you don't get a replay of the penalty incident. I think this is pretty important and should be in the replay options as standard.
  14. Not a bug and not a feature request as such and has probably been brought up a few times before but would be good if the DoF transfer suggestions could be a bit smarter. I have a maximum advised wage of 13k per week according to my budget but asking my DoF for CB suggestions, I am given a range of options, most of which earn much much more than that (highest suggestion was on 73k per week). His DoF stats are 12/12/12 (JPA/JPP/Negotiating) just out of interest, but even an incredibly poor DoF shouldn't suggest players way out of reach financially, they should maybe just offer weaker players than a really top DoF would. In the past I've also had to abandon it as an option where I've already reached squad quota of non-EU or non-domestic players but all DoF suggestions are non-EU / non-domestic so cannot be pursued. The logic behind the suggestions just needs to take squad rules and wage budget into account more than it currently does (or offer more criteria - so ask the DoF for domestic transfer suggestions).
  15. It's clear issues are affecting some more than others. League rules bugs aside (which need to be sorted asap), it seems to be high scoring / high conversion rates, AI squad building / rotation / use of subs and player unhappiness / dynamics being the big hitters that everyone is waiting for to be fixed in this upcoming patch. If all games in your league are high scoring (seems to be the case as opposed to just managed teams) then it kinda evens itself out so some players can look past that. AI squad building / rotation / use of subs may not be that noticeable unless people are looking for it so again some players could look past this. With regards to dynamics issues (which once they arrive, no-one can get away from!) - I have a theory (based on absolutely nothing at all apart from my own save as a caveat) that manager reputation / team performance could be a factor. For the 'story' element of my beta save, I made my manager a real life former international player so set up the manager profile as such. From the start the players have looked up to me given the higher reputation and continued overachievement at the club means atmosphere and managerial support has remained in the green. I also always focus on team cohesion where I can in my training schedules to get this as high as possible. I also always keep a tight squad (23-25 players max) to keep most happy in terms of playing time. In press conferences I often get the question "you've used the least amount of players of everyone in the league so far - why is that?". I had a couple of minor grumbles about squad depth at GK and CB (I noticed them in the happiness screen before any players came to me and I was able to promote youth prospects to the first team which resolved this). I also experienced a bug where a player was worried a new signing was going to replace him, I reassured him he wasn't and the next day he said 'promise' was broken as he hadn't received the same playing time. I thought it was going to be the start of something but a new promise was made and the player was eventually satisfied. Aside from these, in 5 seasons I haven't experienced any of the other extreme dynamics issues people have talked about. Maybe if I had set myself to lower rep / no coaching badges etc (I do like a journeyman every now and again) - I would have experienced this well-known spiral into the dynamics management nightmare which can be infuriating and at the moment is exposing outright bugs in the game mechanics. Perhaps the factor of manager reputation is too extreme in terms of exposing player unhappiness? So where players have a higher rep than the manager they are kicking off about absolutely everything from playing time to contracts to squad depth etc etc? It's just a theory based on my own save and some of the varied feedback I'm seeing in this forum. So my advice to anyone at either end of this argument who wants a more well-rounded view of the game would be: - If you started your current save with a high reputation, try another with virtually no reputation at a bigger club and see how well you can manage your players - If you started your current save with very little reputation, try another with higher manager rep at a smaller club and see if you can get by without the dynamics issues You may then get an idea of why the game is unplayable for some, and perfectly playable for others, in terms of the dynamics issues at least. The rest is subjective and about how much the player can look past with regards to high scoring games and AI squad management, but we all want SI to address these problems to result in a more well-rounded, sensible and realistic game. Fingers crossed it's coming.
  16. Yeah that's a fair point. I just wouldn't want people's passion to be diluted from a fear of inciting argument and debate, which may well just be likely to happen anyway in an environment like this with long-running passionate fans of the game. With regards to framing a point, and backing up it up with evidence and reasoning, I'm with you.
  17. In this environment, I kinda think the opposite should be the case. Feedback should be raw, unfiltered and from the heart based on user's direct experience with the game, no need for circumspection which would only serve to dilute that feedback. What SI decide to do with the feedback is their business, and I agree that some posters here should also not be presumptuous about SI's decision-making. I don't think any of us truly know how much of an impact these forums have over sales figures / reviews when it comes to development and bug-fixing roadmaps. Sure - it might feel like dedicated lifelong fans are not being catered to when manager face paint is introduced as a feature, but hey I'm sure they had their reasons for introducing it.
  18. Context got a bit lost then, as 'people' thinking those who shout loudest and/or streamers with most followers get heard is a bit different to how you put it, which basically highlighted some streamers as also believing those who shout loudest get heard. It's also a little presumptuous all round. Personally I think those who care most shout loudest and it just highlights their passion for the game, regardless of how much impact they think their points will have. In fact, it's been noted more often than not that sometimes pointing out these issues seems futile given how long-running some of them are, but still people try to push for change and improvement. Argument and debate will be a natural bi-product of setting up a forum for multiple users to provide feedback. I agree it's not exactly helpful but is also human nature especially among people passionate enough to be posting their views here. The same reason twitter (sorry, X) can sometimes be a minefield of hate, because you'll generally find most posts are from the most passionate ends of the spectrum, whilst those in the middle remain quiet - argument and debate is inevitable. If it gets aggressive, personal, repetitive or irrelevant here, that's where moderation is important but also understanding that anyone bothering to post here are among the more passionate of FM/CM fans is also important and that passion will result in people wanting to defend their views sometimes.
  19. So I confess this isn't strictly feedback and I'm sure nobody even remotely cares but I feel compelled to briefly share my progress following the discovery of this Champions League Play-Off squad registration bug... Firstly my U19s and greyed out goalkeeper managed to go to FC Copenhagen and keep the score to a respectable 2-0 loss, bravo to them. With me then being able to register my first team players, I was hopeful we could get a result at home to turn it around. We did manage to take it to extra time after finding the two goals we needed but neither side could find a winner so it came down to an epic penalty shootout in front of our own fans. Good penalties all round, no-one missing any of the first ten penalties so it goes to sudden death and it's at this point my back-up left back decides to try a panenka which goes straight into their keeper's hands. I was all set to just transfer-list him and be done with it but our keeper saved their next effort so we had a reprieve. More well-placed penalties followed until my 9th taker hit a tame effort straight at the keeper. Relief once more though as their next taker hits the post. Finally it comes down to the keepers....our keeper smashes his effort into the top corner and their keeper steps up and slams his effort against the bar. Pandemonium ensues. In your face registration bug!! Champions League here we come!!
  20. Ah, great. I've been getting around most things but finally something which is a bit of a showstopper for my save. Won the swedish league in my fourth season so qualified for champions league playoff. First leg fixture finally gets confirmed for 10th August but I can't register anyone for the competition until the 12th and there was no option for me to do it prior. Great, and I imagine the same will happen in future years. Anyone else hit the same issue? The swedish league runs April - November so there's always a weird 7 month lag before starting the european campaign you qualified for, might be a factor. EDIT: Just checked and is a known issue.
  21. Applied in the right scenario and with the right cause/effects, it could work well and is something irl a playing squad could have concerns about if they are ambitious / have targets to meet / are worried about injury. You could imagine a scenario if a top team only had 3 decent options to cover 2 positions and they were playing sat-wed-sat-wed, hectic schedule etc. They could talk among themselves about lack of depth then eventually the club captain may speak to the manager about it. It shouldn't be tied to promises though which is the big flaw as I don't think players would force such an ultimatum on their manager. I think if there were just a series of manager responses like "I think the squad is just fine", "We can promote youngsters if we get injuries", "the club doesn't have the finances to bring more players in" and these affected the player's morale in a certain way or even their work rate / teamwork / determination was temporarily decreased if they lose a little faith in the management team until their concern was eventually addressed (whenever that might happen) and those attributes would go back to where they were. Depending how appropriate or relevant the response is would increase or decrease the net effect on morale or attributes, eg: "I think the squad is just fine" would possibly annoy a player and they'd lose more focus and morale as they obviously don't agree, but "the club doesn't have the finances" would have much less of an effect (if it was true of course). If the club actually had lots of wage budget remaining, the player could take this response as a lie and be even more adversely affected (but you could argue they would have no knowledge of internal budgets). I actually really like the squad management and dynamics part of the game and I appreciate it must be fairly complex to tie all the logic together in different scenarios, countries, situations etc, but as soon as it breaks the immersion it may as well not be there until it can get to a more stable and sensible position.
  22. Staff meeting - told Michael Carrick isn't suited to attacking tactical coaching but it is his highlighted coaching category which he is best suited for.
  23. In a break from all the bugs, flaws and issues being reported (most of which I am also experiencing), I just wanted to drop a bit of positive feedback. I did enjoy the guard of honour my team received after winning the title with one game to spare and playing away on the last game of the season, nice touch.
  24. hey @Zachary Whyte no-one on a hat-trick and no missed penalties prior to this. Was the first penalty of the game, and I also have all the options for penalties unticked. First half stoppage time (45+2) was the penalty miss if you need a rough timestamp. Would 'creative freedom' settings allow for players to decide not to follow the predefined list of takers? I guess this could happen but would be good for us as managers to be able to follow-up and interact with players afterwards to give the player a rollocking or ask why it happened.
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