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Everything posted by thebreadlady

  1. yes i forgot to mention PIs, i have shoot less on my front 3 and midfield 3. i have DLP sub who i like to put on for the DM in hope that when he gets squared the ball or cut back outside the pen area he'll dink a ball over or play a through ball for others but hes the same as my DM, first touch shot under no pressure. i just got out of a game where the two times we were more patient in the final third, we ended up with two really good and REALISTIC looking passing play goals. the other 15 shots were all as soon as we got in to the final third we shot.
  2. im seeing a lot of first touch shots that dont make sense. most of my shots every game is first touch. players through on goal taking first touch shot from far out or bad angles, first touch shot instead of passing/crossing for someone in a better position. it just feels like my players have no patience or foresight that if they just bring the ball down and take an extra second there'll be better options. good teamwork on players and ive tried lowering tempo on different mentalities, and initially i didnt even have work the ball into box. absolutely no difference. whats the point of TIs if theres no noticeable difference??? my striker when hes through on goal, doesnt bother bringing the ball down and continue through on goal when he receives a through ball but instead just takes first touch shot. same issue with all my other players, insta shot ALL the time instead of passing or making a better shooting opportunity for themselves.
  3. after a phenomenal season my players, who are all in their early 20s and have +3 years left in their contracts, saw their values dropped SIGNIFICANTLY. my 23 year old ST who scores +40 every season averaging +7.5 rating went from peak 90 million value start of the season to 30 mid season now 10M after the current season and im getting bombarded with garbage 6M bids. same with all my other players who are supposed to be high value. end of may my CB 35M value, mid june 5M. i got +50 bids in a week cause i think the AI perceives them as being undervalued and all my players are upset for rejecting bids. insane.
  4. FB/a + attacking team mentality = very attacking mentality. would increasing team mentality to very attacking and/or adding overlap/underlap increase the player's mentality even more or is it already at its cap?
  5. yea they favor passing to the right side, especially my starting DM. focus left variation tactic was very weak, barely any chances and lost a few games too. focus right tactic though was a beast. there was one particular game with the focus right variation of the tactic that ended 7-1 and it was clear we kept playing and progressing down the right flank then switched it to the left in the final third for goal scoring opportunities.
  6. focus left tactic but with a left footed DM instead of a right footed one:
  7. just to humor you guys, ran a few games with your suggestions focus left TI LB FBa, LCM RPM, LW IWs +60% possession VS. focus right RB FBa, RCM RPM, RW IWs
  8. Guys I get what you're saying but you're still not understanding my 2nd question. Forget about the initial query. you people are saying my roles and duties is why my heatmap is heavy on the right side contrary to my instruction to play down the left, thats all well and good and i understand but what im now saying, after my 2nd post, is that if i flip my roles and duties, my heatmap is still the same. What I'm curious about now is the heatmap now. Doesn't the heatmap indicate the amount of activity in certain areas of the pitch? You guys are saying my roles in the initial tactic is making us play heavy on the right side contrary to my focus play down left TI, but if I invert my roles and have my MEZa and IFa on the left and DLP on the right and focus play down right TI I still end up with a similar heatmap of high activity on the right hand side of the pitch.
  9. Sure but my question has now evolved into why my tactic and it's inversion's heatmap are both heavy on the right side. Shouldnt the heatmap also be inverted?
  10. mate, i dont think youre actually looking through my posts. how is it that the same tactic and its inversion are both heavy on the right side according to the heatmap? if what youre saying is correct, but its clearly not, then the heatmap should also be inverted if i invert the tactic.
  11. tested for the past few hours the tactic below and the tactic flipped with focus right but the heatmap remains the same, heavy on the right side for both. im stumped. maybe you coincidentally just happen to focus play down the correct side
  12. fyi its the other way around, right footed keepers prefer to pass to the left which was the jumping off point for me to decide on focus play down the left. a few random examples:
  13. yes im trying to play out the back and focus our build up play and pull the opposition to the left hand side then launch diagonal killer balls from the left side to create scoring opportunities for the attacking duty players on the right hand side. heatmap is just a general visualization for you guys to see what im seeing in the game. i played many games trying different roles on the left with the same result as the first heatmap above so then i tried to just flip the tactic and voila, as you can see from the second heatmap. regardless of your suggestions, why is it that the same tactic but flipped and all of a sudden my players are focusing play down the correct side according to the TI?
  14. i want to play down the left flank but we keep playing down the right. this is pretty much every game. 433 balanced, in possession - focus left, play out of defence, fairly wide, slower tempo. DLFa IWs Wa DLPs MEZa DMs FBs CB CB FBs
  15. so pressing more and higher line solved most of my conceding issues. who would've thought... this game and its pressing is so counter intuitive. sick of high press in FM, so unrealistic and easy to win games this way. my players dont even suit a high pressing, high line tactic.
  16. 1-0 vs some hungarian side bottom of the europa league and they score from their 1st shot late in the game. guy with 11 passing, techinque, 12 vision. launches the perfect ball while facing the side of the pitch. game before this one i had my TF marking the opposition DM in a 433 and LCM man marking opposition RCM since these 2 were their good passers and their LCM had very bad on the ball abilities. i was thinking eh, let him have the ball, whats he gonna do? guy launches 2 perfect balls from deep for 2 assists.
  17. by the looks of it, a lot of chances being created due to my CBs being ahead of the ST while the LB/RB way behind playing the ST onside like this teamwork 16+, positioning 14+ for all 4 defenders. my CBs dont even mark tightly PPM but they routinely follow them instead of maintaining a line and ready to drop back for the long ball. edit: i tried keeping a clean sheet with a 2-0 lead in the last 10 minutes by taking off 1 ST for another CB for a 541 vs their 442. all three of my CBs were headless chickens not knowing which ST to press. center CB on cover was continually pressing the LS or RS making one of the other CBs to cover his position, leaving massive gaps.
  18. this is our tactic now. AF scored 38 in 37 last season and started this season with 10 in 6. but we still have a problem conceding most of our goals from through balls or balls over the top. we especially have a difficult time playing on these stupid square la liga pitches, there just seems to be so much space and gap between defenders on those fields. nearly all those games have been +5 goals games.
  19. i think i just have a disconnect between real life football vs in game football. by having a TF should mean hes the default out ball unless theres clearly a person right in front and in the way of the player kicking it towards the TF. vision shouldnt be an issue, for CBs and GKs especially, they should know the TF is gonna be, its not like a player making a run in behind and needs a fabregas type player to play that perfect ball through 3 players. i just need the ball be punt up to the center of the pitch where the TF always is and rely on him to win the header. TF being marked is a non-issue, or it should be. clearing it out is the safest option, im not playing on very defensive mentality. my TF has +15 anticipation, strength, jumping, balance, teamwork, bravery, heading. 11 off the ball but i cant see how off the ball applies in his situation, he just needs to be in the center and win headers.
  20. isnt that the opposite to teams in real life? you'd expect worse teams who play more conservative, defensive football to have worse players but youre saying to play defensive you need even better mentals? theres no way you would think the average, bottom half of the table, CB would have better mentals than a top 4 side CB. my NCB has 14+ key, 13+ preferable except for composure. CB has 15+ mentals aside from composure i've already set the passing to standard for the past 5 games. which is all fine with me. if theres no short option, hoof it forward but at least hoof it to the TF, thats what hes there for, but they rarely do. the game recognizes the cross field ball to the semi-unmarked wide player as a safer option than the TF who has an opposition defender near him. i am much more confident in my TF winning the aerial duel than for the cross field ball to even be accurate let alone keep the ball at the end of it. ideally i want to play a few passes in the back to encourage the other team to come forward and open up space behind for us to go long.
  21. then how should bad mentals CBs in the game be utilized? you cant play a high press with them, you cant play low block with them. im not expecting anything from NCB with the ball, hes basically just a 6'4 CB who i rely on to win headers. its everyone else thats constantly hoofing the ball thats why i adjusted it to shorter passing hoofing the ball to the TF is 100% acceptable in my case but thats not whats happening
  22. i had it on standard DL in the beginning and standard passing and it was just constant hoofing the ball then pushing forward then conceding from the opposition hitting one back over the top. we still are fm23
  23. we're an inferior team, my CBs cant match opposition strikers' pace, but we keep conceding goals like this. i dont want my players positioned so far up field
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