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Everything posted by FASP

  1. AI does that because it keeps calling only center backs an left/right backs to the banch, its an average of 5 defenders out of 9 subs per game. Im tired too, I went to general discussion forum and posted a ridiculous thing that happened in the first season game on a new save I created post patch and I was accused of moaning by other users. The current state of the AI its unbelieveble, Im done trying to help with opening bugs, the last post I did was that one in the general discussion, and yes maybe I was a litle bit stressed, but its hard to see things like that keep happening patch after patch so I will never again open a bug for this FM edition. Im really consediring if I should buy the 25 since all I see is useless new features keep being addded instead of SI try so solve the issues that are present for so many years.
  2. And whats wrong with that? It is a crime to change the opinion about something? When I started to play the beta version, there were so many issues I didnt notice that later came up in my save that i qualify as a game breaking experience. Whats wrong about having an opinion and then after some time realize that I was mistaken? Again, you can praise this edition as long as you want, I did a mistake earlier by consediring this edition better than before, only to realize that are some issues that take away the fun of playing it. If you never changed an opinion before in your life, congratulaions, you are the best person in the World!!!
  3. If i didnt open many bugs about that I would not be here complaining about something that I think shouldnt be hapenning. Dude, im not even continue to argue with someone that doesnt see something so obvious as you. I payed 50€ for something that was advertised with an headline feature as "better AI decision making" and I have the right to post my opinion and how I feel about the current state of the game. I feel like I was decieved by SI and i couldnt care less about what you think of my post. If you want to play and win easely, thats on you. Im not forced to have the same opinion as you and others about AI not using enough youth players. For me, it is a priority that a football simulator like FM SIMULATES what happens in real life, like it allways have done. Im a developer so I get really well what is a computer game and a set of instructions, and again in my opinion, the set of instructions must have priorities. The first one must allways be "AI must try to win the game and pick the best players". If you want a kids footbal game, go play Fifa, im not intersted in winning championships easy just because you and others where upset that the AI didnt pick 10 youths in every match and now Im playing a youth simulator where I win the championship with no dificulty. You have your opinion, and i have mine, if I think ths is the worst FM of all time and if you dont like my opinion, just scroll down and praise everything in the game.
  4. What part of " first season match " and "They are just playing again in next saturday" did you not understand? As i can see, in your opinion, it is normal for managers in real life to rotate the team in the first league match, is that right? What are they rotating for? pre-season matches? If the manager of your team, in real life did something like that, what would be your reaction? I never saw a manager "rotating" the team in the first league match, and I am 31yo. What I see in real life is managers playing full streangth in the first match to start the season well, Specially, if the next match is one week after.
  5. Im really disapointed with SI this year.... Just started a new Save because I thought the fixes would be in this new patch, so as I do every year, Ive created a save in Portugal managing Benfica. In the first league match of the season, Sporting, one of the contendors to win the title just lost 3-4 at home against Moreirense, a team that just went from the second division. I checked the match to see how this was even possible ( despite it can happen irl, its really something unusual ) and what i found was that the "Better AI team selection" advertised with the new patch is just bullsh..... Im sorry but I have to say it like that. As you can see, there are many players missing from the team selection in Sporting squad page. Why? Because AI decided to call youth players from the u23 team, leaving players like Pedro Gonçaves, Gyokeres, Sebastian Coates, Paulinho and Morita out of the match. Those are key players for Sporting, not just IRL but in FM too since they are some of the best players in theyre squad. Its REALLY, REALLY amazing how bad the state of this game is in an year that was supposed to be the most complete version, with headline features like AI squad building and team selection being advertised before the release date. This kind of AI team selection decisions would only be understandeble if they had another match two days after this one, but guess what?? They are just playing again in the next saturday, so AI was not rotating the team, it was just a case of AI poor decision making. This makes me loose any kind of joy to play FM for the first time in my life... Whats the fun to be Champion when your rivals are so bad??? Its an easy game, there is no difficult at all to beat the best teams since AI cant make decisions so simple as "Pick the best players to play and ocasionally some youths to evolve them over time". We could argue about how in real life a player may not play because so many factors, but 5 Staters not playing in the same match??? What is the excuse for something like that to happen? They are not even in the banch.... Im sorry if I may seem rude but I play this game since it was named Championship Manager, and today i really can say that this veriosn of Football Manager is the worst of all time. The only thing that is the best in years, and maybe the best of all time is the ME, its really good and like it so much. But with the current state of the AI, its impossible to have some kind of good experience playing it.
  6. how is the situation of player development? didnt see any reference about it in the patch notes. anyone can confirm that it improve?? its just a few hours, maybe its too early to question about it
  7. This happened in FM 23 in the Portuguese Leage too. Im playing my save that i caried from 23 and its still happening. I didnt try to see if keeps happening in a new save because im wating for many issues to be solved in a future update so i can start a new save. So I can tell if the cause of it is the save source (FM23). BUT!!! This has been happening since FM 22 and I have a theory about why we have this issue. It was because of the World Cup being played in the winter. In FM 22, it was the first time that i noticed that the minimun rest time between matches was not being aplied and you could have 3 games in a week with just 24h between those games. I think that because of the World Cup, the way that AI adjusts the calendar changed, and since that FM version, it was not changed again, so we keep seeing many teams playing Super Cup trophies too late in time, or teams that have to do play offs for european competitions not playing theyre league matches between those playoffs, This causes a calendar gap and we see teams having just 1 game in the league while other teams have 3 games played. Also, the reschedule is way too far in time, and the chosen dates are many times reserved for future competitions if that team succeds in those other competitions, so that first reschedule has to be rescheduled again, until AI just has 2 or 3 dates in the final of the season forcing teams to play 2 matches in less than 42h. I had matches that were suposed to be played in August but were rescheduled for November (already too far in time), then that match was not played in November because i did well in the Portuguese Cup, so the match would be in February, but since i did well in Champions, I played those matches in April, between so many matches from league and champions. AI needs to pick early dates to reschedule matches and not just pick a date from a hole in the calendar, without checking if there is a possiblity for one of those 2 teams to have a match in that day due to a possible good performance in some competition that will be played in that date. A match has to be played in the next week if there arent any matches scheduled for those teams, but i see that what AI prioritizes is the "where is a hole in the calendar to put this match". This leads to an overloaded calendar in the future because what could be played early wasnt, and we enter in a reschedule loop until there are no more options. Thats the main issue, reschedule of previous reschedule matches.
  8. You are playing the same version of the game, nothing changed after the beta. The bugs and issues will be fixed after an update release that they will launch in the next weeks/months
  9. how can i set the detail of the league?? My save has 20 leagues loaded, but im managing a club from the Portuguese league. If I check the stats of the top 5 leagues, players like Mbape or Halaand score too few goals. Is it possible to set the detail of some of my loaded leagues in a save that is currently on 2032???? And if so, where can i change the detail level? I play FM for years and ive never noticed something like that ever existed
  10. I didnt ask a timeline, I know what it is when we are talking about fix something that i bet its not easy to. I requested a different answer, more like "We know this is wrong and its something we will try to fix", more or less what you did now. I understand what you said about the player base, but i must say that I have limited time too. Im a software developer of 31yo, I know what it is to code and how hard it can be to fix something thats hidden behinf so many lines of code, I play this game since I was 7 and the game was called Championship Manager. Do you think I cared more about realism when I was younger? I bet anyone who is pointing this issues related with player development and realism are the old players, not the young kids or the content creators that try to exploit any kind of bug to take advantage of it. As you can see, this is my favorite game, the limited time doesnt stop me for playing FM, I play this almost every day and that doesnt mean im someone that dont have a life, This is my favorite game for years and it really makes me sad to see that we are trying to help you,, in a tool that you give us to point possible issues in a pre release game, and the answers we get are not on a direction that i think it shoul be, sometimes almost offend us, even if it wasnt on purpose. We are trying to help you, thats just what we want, and speaking by myself, all i do in this forum is just to help you on deliever something flawless, to deliver the best football game that exists in the market.
  11. Im sorry Michael but this isnt about being unhappy when a situation persits. Its about being unhappy about an headline feature that was highligted before the beta release by you guys and its not present in the game. Take a look at my last comment made today on this thread and tell me if the AI did anything even a litle bit realistic.... Did you read t and saw those images? Good. (Im being naive, you are not going to but ill try to continue this) Now take a look at what you guys published before the beta release: Is that kind of AI inteligence and better decisions that you guys were talking about???? To have 5 center backs in the banch and not even a single winger?? not surprising that AI just did 2 subs at the minute 91, it didnt have much options in the banch to make something diferent and try to change some things in the field and try new aprouches to win that game... If that team was loosing what could they do? well maybe sub a winger by one of the 5 center backs...... Also how can an attacking player evolve if he isnt even called for a match? This realy explains some parts of the problem with AI players development. Im really disapointed guys, its like you said something would be better and somehow it isnt and you cant even say something like "we are sorry, this shouldnt be like it is, we will fix this as soon as we can because this feature is important and thats why we higlited this feature before, it was no just becuse we want to fool you and make you intersted to buy the game". You are just basically saying "Oh are you not happy?? Too bad, if we bother one day we will fix this for you".
  12. The first match of this image was played today, with the full game downloaded and installed. Its an AI match. 2 subs made at the 91st minute.... Look at this banch...... 5 defenders, 4 of them are center backs, not even a single winger. The 9th sub that is missing in this image but we can see in the match statistics its just a joke A 15 YO wonderkid, yet... another defender, making a total of 5 center backs out of 6 defenders in a banch of 9 players... this is just pathetic SI im sorry to tell you, the ME feels so good and then this takes away any kind of joy for players that like realism, specially if we talk about AI Managers.
  13. subtitutions keep happening late and just 2 or 3 subs are made .... AI keeps calling just defenders to the banch so it cant subsitute attacking players,,,, im really disapointed because it seems the same game that we played so far. Hope this happens because today was just to make the full release of the game in order to be available for everyone and theyre planning to do a release with a huge update in the next weeks with the bug fixes....
  14. Hi Zachary, Thank you for providing an update to us, Its good to know that we dont loose time when we try to point some issues that we think that shouldnt be happening. Im happy with what you said and I agree with you about the topic of how you think transfers should occur over time, but, about the substituissions issue, I really hope you dont let pass this other one that Ive opened in another thread. I know you have put it under review, and even if you guys can fix the substituition issue, please make it look like if it was a real manager changing the players. It doesnt matter if substituitions happen or not if AI just replaces defenders by other defenders when its loosing. Substitutions have to work, but, it has to make sense. AI managers need to have (or at least try to have) options in the bench for every position in theyre system and should prioritize attacking players like a real manager does in real life, because those are the players that get off of the match most of the time. If AI looks for players in the transfer market that fit like a glove in theyre tactical system, the bench needs to have the same logic, needs different players that are ready to play in any position in case of an inury, by one of the starters playing bad, it doesnt matter, even if the the only attacking player available to be in the bench is a 17yo, AI must call him to the game, thats how youngster are unvealed many times in real life, by an unexpected opportunty. What it doesnt need, is a bench like Man City in one of the images i attached, Hope the issue is related to mine and all goes well when the full game is released.
  15. unfortunately thats exactly how the majority of people think and we are the annoying ones.....
  16. FASP

    Subs issue

    Thats not true. I go on vacation in the majority of my pre season matches and AI didnt make subs in my team and in the opposition team, and in the matches I attended it didnt make subs in the oposition as well. It doesnt matter what type of match it is or what type of detail you have selected.
  17. abre um bug em relação a isto, não cries aqui como comentário. Isto causa problemas de calendário no futuro e sobrecarga de jogos.
  18. Hello, Could this issue be related to this one i have reported??
  19. I thought about that, However im worried about AI not giving an opportunity to youth players in the under 23 teams, This was something I was really excited to read in a post about new features and im losing hope that this is really a thing in FM 24. I know its early to take conclusions, I really hope im just being hasty but its just the game felels so good in every other aspect, it would be a shame that this feature didnt work well. And, if you can see from Porto squad, the lack of options is not the problem, AI just decided to leave attacking players out of the match, and i dont think this shoul happen for a Champion runner up like Porto.
  20. Hi all, First of all I must tell you that this is by far the best Beta version that you have released, congrats to all team. This is really an early access. Until now, i didnt get any bugs, but i noticed something that is as bad as it was in FM 23 and its about how the AI chooses players to participate in a match. I should say that i am currently playing my save from FM23.i hope this behaviour happens just because of that and if I start a new save, maybe this isnt an issue anymore, Lets take a look at 2 squads. Starting with Porto squad. As you can see in the image below, Porto plays in a 4-2-3-1 system. In real life, and playing in a competition where 9 subs are allowed, never in any team of the World a manager would bring 4 defenders and just one winger to the banch, and the winger is a defender. He could play as a winger but he can play as a CENTER BACK too, he more a defender (has more defender positions and attributes) than attack ones!!! So as you can imagine, he is everything but a winger. Porto's manager cant change any of the wingers if he have to do it in the next match. I know it is missing a sub in this imagine but trust me, the 9th sub would be a defender yet again. I've seen this happen in every season i've played in FM 23 (im currently in 2031 in this save). They just dont swith theyre wingers mid game, even if they are playing bad, because theyre banch is full of defensive players. This happens to almost every team and even if the manager is super defensive, this is just something that doesnt really happen in real life, specially if we are talking about a team that runs for champion. Now worst case and the definite proof about what im saying. Take a look at City's squad. Those guys dont bring more defenders to the banch because they dont have any to. Its unbeleavable. How can a team like City go to a match and have those options in the banch???? If they are loosing what could they do to revert the match?? This is even worse if you consider that th AI didnt planned well the season. They really dont have much options, but they have some nice newgens in theyre under 23 squad. Why dont they call them up to play? I read something about how in FM 24, if a player has a good probability of evolve to a top player, AI would give more chances of play to this player. I dont see how it can happen with attacking players if the AI keeps leaving them at home in a match day and just brings defenders to the banch. I really would like to see a litle bit more of reality in this field because IRL, a manager brings at max 3 defenders to the banch in a total of 9 subs. As i said in the beggining, im currently playing on my Save from 23. I dont know if it happens because of that but even if it does, it must not. Pls dont let this pass as a non bug/issue because i think this really is, it makes it easy for us to win matches because they have to adpat a player to play more in front if some of theyre attacker get injured mid game. It toally breaks the experience and takes away any kind of joy if you win a thogh match, because, they really didnt have a chance to battle with us. Thank you all and I hope you can fix it or at least, hope you chat with me about this if you think my vision about this topic is wrong
  21. I've uploades the files to cloud: FP - Benfica save transfer prices nonsense after UCL final.fm FP - Benfica save transfer prices nonsense.fm
  22. Hi Kyle, I thank you for your reply to my post but you missed the point. I understand that the price is just a guidence, i play FM since it was named CM, but like i said before, this year it is just ridiculous how the game calculate the "price guidance". The problem is not that i dont receive offers above my players prices. -the problem is that my LB with 22 ASSISTS only worth 27M. I get offers to sell him for 40/50M. A left back that plays in Brighton or Sheffield UTD is sold by 70M. Can you see the difference between a LB that won all competitions, reached a UCL final and has an enourmos season performance being sold for a price below a worst LB in a premer league club? The major problem is the guidance value, not that i dont receive offers to sell players obove that price. It cant be worst for a player to play an UCL final than to play in a mid table club in premier league, even if you play in the Portuguese league, My point is that if you have success in you country competitions, AND you do so well in UCL, plus your season personal performances, you cant have a value of 27M. IRL, Transfermarket would evaluate this LB for alt least 60M. Then the club would start to receive offers ABOVE 60M, not from a ridiculous 27M. The same as players that didnt won anything in the season. Did you understand what im saying? Like I said before, I receive offers for player that are currently in the first team and play almost every game as starter player like Miguel Constantinescu to sell him for 12M. A player THAT REACHED A UCL FINAL!!! this is unbelieavable!! And i have to keep rejected those offers every day. So, can you see that there is a problem there? How IRL a club that reached the major competition in the World, would sell one of the starter players below his "price Guidance"????? I will send you two PKM's. One before the UCL final and one after the UCL final. I didnt tested it but I bet that even if I've won the final, my players would have more or less the same values. You can test that and see English premier league clubs offering ridiculous (low) amount of money for players that have won anyting in the season and just lost the UCL final against Real Madrid (Again, 12M for Constantinescu). If you accept the offers, I chalenge you to try to buy other players that can fill my players, players with the same quality in attributes and season records (you will not find anything even close to Endrick's 67 goals) without driving the club to bankrupt. Just to Summerize again, i left a final Question. Endrick, that won Golden boot in UCL and in ALL Countries Competitions, with 67 goals in a season, worth less than Sesko that is in United with 20 goals, won nothing in his club and is evaluated at 200M+???????
  23. Hi all, i will post this because i dont think the evalluation of my players is fair. Im with Benfica and in 2028 i´ve managed to get to the UCL final, won every Portuguese competitions (didnt played UCL final yet) with just 1 loss in all the season. That said, in my opinion, my team is absolutelly with no doubt, one of the 2 best teams in Europe. However, when you take a look at my players prices, it is just a big joke how the game evalluates them. I will give you 3 examples to show you this just dont makes sense. 1 - Ridvan Yilmaz, my LB, has a price tag of 27M max. A player that is a Turkish international player, has 22 assists in all season, and is just about to play the UCL final after have won all PT competitions worth only 27M???? if you compare him to Porto's RB, João Mario, he is cheaper than a worst player (based on attributes and despite they are not both left backs), and a player that didnt won anything in this season. Is this fair? how can a player that showed that he is one of the best in Europe can have this evaluation? 2 - Diego Moreira has 45 G/A in this season. Mid season, he has worth 70M. Now on a week left to play the UCL final he has a price of 53M max? This next guy is a new gen from Sporting that finished 3rd in league. How can he almost worth the same as Diego with his attributes and performances? 3 - Now the worst thing i´ve ever saw in FM. Endrick just smashed all records in this season and just like his teammates has the same success in all competitions, 67 goals (No player has so many goals as he in this save) and he just worth 70M? in Mid season he whas evaluated at 130M? how can he loose value if he reached the UCL final? here is my calendar records: So, to summarize this is a big issue in my opinion. For a big Portuguese club like Benfica, we dont have so many income in one season, we won 40M on TV shares and the rest is almost all made by selling players. How can i keep competing with big european clubs if the best offer I get to Endrick is just 70M? How can i have money after that to keep buying players like him? players that are worst that him, in stats and in season records worth many more Euros than him. Im not even going talk about another issue that is so bad like to receive offers below my players values. Its just annoying to keep rejecting stupid offers for players that showed so good performances. I constantly receive offers for Constantinescu to leave for just 10M. Its just a joke but i can live with that. What i cant accept, is his evalluation and all the other players too. I have PKM's to upload but im not uploading it for one major reason. I want to know that you have read my post, so if you need it, i will upload it. despite i think that there is no need to upload it. It is just a mather of how Portuguese clubs no matter what they do in game, are considered cheap, and even if you have a so much big success and your players are definitelly one of the best, you just have to accept that you are bad and you will sell your player for lessa than for exapmple Brighton does, wich is ridiculous . The game should consider the performance of the players, not just in wich league they play. If they can manage to reach a UCL final, its impossible that they have the same value or worst that ALL EPL clubs.
  24. they are available until the first match of the world cup occurs. After that match they're not available. But the AI starts key players in this club competition when its just 2 days left to the first world cup match. This may cause an injury in one of those players, so every player that is selected to the national team must not be available to club matches after the last league match, or after November 15.
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