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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. B squad salary cap is ridiculous, I think they make B team a separate club when calculating the wage cap, which would make sense because B team doesn't really make any money. However, I don't know if this is the case in reality, would be surprising if it is. A way to get around this would require a C team in a playable league, you can register players there and call them up for B team games, but this is just an idea, I don't know if there are limitations like 5 games in an upper division and you can no longer play or register for the lower league and etc., haven' t tested it yet. Even if it works for most clubs there are no C teams, and dragging those that do up from those unplayable leagues without the in-game editor is a dreadful process. Overall, a broken setting. I played a save of Real Sociodad (if I spelled right or not), I think the calculation of salary cap was correct for A team, in terms of B team it is broken. I don't know if they consider this as a bug or not, because otherwise you would need to sell 10k+ tickets for B TEAM MATCHES THAT ARE PLAYED IN AREANA WITH 3K SEATS and MAKE SEPERATE TRANSFERS OPERATING AS B TEAM FOR FUNDS to get a salary cap around like 5 million or something.
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