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77 "There's no crying in baseball"

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    I cannot comprehend 4-4-2.

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  1. Without having experience with the role, he shouldn't close down at the flanks if at anchor role and instead join the defense as an extra cb. So it's at our own third where you'll see the difference.
  2. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that obviously, i assumed that they have some depth. If you insist in using 4-2-4 I'd play like so, which will give you much more solidity ans support:
  3. Having watched the players I'd say i don't like it tbh, I think it would be better to play a simple 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1. In any case, I think you need a target man for your attack or maybe try using Lassine Sinayoko there, he will manage I guess.
  4. Got similar, tried not to click buttons and gave it some thought. Portugal vs France was my prediction for the final too.
  5. Have you considered using cloud saves? I'd say it would be a better option than saving the files to an external drive, having said that, you shouldn't have issues anyway.
  6. Might be because the new version of Ubuntu is still fresh (I personally haven't gotten the update yet), make sure everything (Ubuntu, Steam, FM) is fully updated. Also version of Proton 8.0-5 works like a charm at Ubuntu 22.04, so pick this version.
  7. @HanziZoloman Thank you!
  8. That's because they played 4-5-1 in this game (Rodrygo at LW), however they haven't done so the rest of the season and they haven't played 4-3-3 this year almost at all. "Normally" Rodrygo plays at mid-right and Vini at mid-left and they both play wider and roam etc. Behind them is Bellingham and then the trio in the mid is Valverde, Tchouameni and Camavinga (secundo volante, defensive midfielder and the role in question - for me it's rpm - respectively that usually Camavinga has). I agree that dlp-su is too static, there is a merit for regista as he also does a lot of the things Kroos (or Camavinga) does in the field. Interestingly enough, Kroos does all of these things irl, I'll admit I wasn't aware of his FM tab when I posted my previous comment.
  9. I'd go with roaming playmaker. They play a 4-3-1-2, Kroos is one of the 3 defensive midfielders, since he has impact higher up the pitch too I'd say roaming playmaker is the best pick.
  10. My trick is a simple one: Always put the best taker third, not first. If you get past the first two you steamroll them, if not he fixes things and changes momentum. I have very little failure due to this trick.
  11. Also you can try telling your strikers to "stay wider" to play a bit like wingers and help with width, depending of whether they are capable or not ofc. I use it often in 4-4-2 diamond.
  12. Well I've been sacked many times with any kind of team imaginable, title favorites where I've lost title, relegation fodders which i have not managed to save despite playing well, mid teams that didn't fare well (sacked within objectives). The last one is the most difficult, even if you are predicted 9th and finish 12th the board is not going to sack you probably.
  13. Put him on support, problem solved. He'll drop deep and link play just as is intended at any 4-3-3 that makes sense that I know. On attack duty ofc he'll just lurk and wait for his opportunities just like irl.
  14. If I want a player, I'll get him. I'll try to set his playing time to "important player", though.
  15. Ubuntu Gnome here too, no issues whatsoever. Make sure the game is fully updated. I'm using Proton 8.0-5 if it helps.
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