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79 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. I think we've all experienced this in FM24. Within the code it's probably a foul and penalty kick but unfortunately the animations within the ME aren't always running in unison. It's extremely frustrating, but I've had it go my way before as well.
  2. It's been a long road but..... Finally! I think this is my greatest FM achievement. It's definitely my longest ever save.
  3. The only way the community gets listened too is if we vote with our wallets. Easier said than done, due to lack of competition for S.I but as soon as their bottom line is being affected then they'll be very active within the forums and work around the clock releasing patches to achieve the "promised" version of the game.
  4. Yes, most of my staff have increased their attributes. I'm not sure if it's something that happens naturally over time or if its linked to the facilities at the club but it definitely happens. Staff however unlike players don't have the visible green, yellow, red arrows to show improvement or decline. Sometimes they develop to well and I lose them to other clubs.
  5. My personal favourite is when a defending player makes a perfectly timed tackle in the box and its given as a penalty anyway.
  6. I did this but it didn't work and now my home screen resets to the default view every time a click away from it.
  7. Scoring an equaliser in the 8th minute of added time.... Clearly scripted
  8. Again, just to prove a point. I've sorted another pre contact with a player and it clearly states he has pledged his future and SIGNED! a new deal. So even if the release clause is activated my club as the contract holder should be able to choose whether or not to accept. If this is going to be in future games then additional compensation needs to be awarded by a tribunal.
  9. So why couldn't I withdraw/change or bring the confirmation date forward? The game needs to explain this in better detail. The player already signed the contract. If this was real life the legal fallout would be massive. Likewise, the deal with me was been signed so both players should've been returned to my club on 25/6 when the new deal comes into effect. Resulting in a very short and expensive loan for the A.I club. At the bare minimum, I should've been compensated extra. Also, if a youth player signs a pre contract, other clubs cannot attempt to sign him. The game won't let you. You'd have to put in a formal transfer bid, despite the fact they're on unprotected youth contracts and the full time contract won't come into effect until they're 17/18. Same could be said for players in the last 6 months of their deal. You can't just hijack the move once a pre contract is signed. It's a bit unfair on the person playing the game for this to happen. Sometimes the video game side of things should take priority.
  10. It's also worth mentioning that I couldn't withdraw the contract either or offer better terms that would come into effect immediately. Just imagine if sports lawyers were added to FM25 😂
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