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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Really enjoyed this write up. Personally, I've always enjoyed tiki-taka over every other style - what specific instructions or role changes would you recommend to push this one a little further towards fast paced, one touch triangular football?
  2. Absolutely fantastic write up. Im about to enter preseason and am thinking of switching up my tactic to adopt this - how are you finding the results?
  3. @crusadertsar Love the write up as ever. Enjoy all of your threads, this one however mostly aligns with how I like to watch football. Would you consider uploading the tactic for lazy folk like me?
  4. I have exactly the same problem. Managing Como in the Italian second division, have upgraded my scouting to the full package yet the only South American country I can select is Argentina. Did you find a fix?
  5. Perfect! I don’t think I’ll be able to live up the standards you’ve set but am thoroughly looking forward to the challenge. Much appreciated!
  6. Great save - have read every post and thoroughly enjoyed your style. I've lost some motivation on my own save and feel its gone as far as I can take it, yet the thought of starting all over again is worse. Would you consider uploading your save? Would love to be able to tinker around in the game world.
  7. Really enjoying this one! Would you consider uploading the save at all? Would love to carry on with this myself
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