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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. The thing is ... there should be a way to add some logic in the game. Those who were involved in the match day squad - should be given an automatic rest day. The recovery sessions are worse than rest sessions (they recover less overall physical condition stats when it is a recovery session). The players who were not in the game or did not play any part of it - they should be going to training. Doubt anything will get looked into as @keithbeaky mentioned that it has been reported for years. This is a quality of life improvement. But alas, I have given up on playing this game, building a nation save when you have overly sensitive players who will complain just about anything made me delete it lol.
  2. This is getting frustrating and annoying. This is causing a number of issues from Big Clubs targetting every single player I have and then making them unhappy - tanking my atmosphere and cohesion. I have been getting my team into Champions League regularly into the later stages, yet every Transfer Window - AI decides to target ALL my good players and young upcoming players by unsettling them. They will bid every.single.day of the window. They will keep low balling me with stupid offers of 3mil or so. I just want to be able to say - 'if you do not come near my evaluation for the love of god ... stop bidding' Yes I know clubs have bigger reputation that mine, but these brainless players cannot see that we are constantly in the champions league and we have a better chance winning it sooner rather than later. There are plenty of players to choose from ... yet they insist on targeting my players only. Can you please add in some realism to the brains of these players ... or tone down the harassment of these big clubs targeting my players every single window unless they pay what I want. If these players are professional enough (I am sure they are) ... then they should stop being cry babies.
  3. I am seeing a lot of this too, penalties given for perfectly timed tackles according to the animations.
  4. I have been testing player instructions for pretty much every single role and position. The instructions do not work in my opinion. If I have a Fullback on Support, and I want the fullback to sit narrow, the fullback is literally on the touchline. No matter what I try, it will still be on the touchline. I do not want to use the inverted wingback because they are too central for the system I want to play (4-1-2-3). I have to use the below formation setup to cover some areas of the pitch but end up getting exposed on the width because the IWB are too central. GK DR - IWB support DCR - BPD def DCL - BPD def DL - IWB support DM - DM def or HB MCR - CM att MCL - CM att AMR - Winger support AMC - SS AML - Winger support If I set my FB to fullback on support duty with the player instruction to sit narrower, he is still on the touchline then the central areas are more exposed. These roles are defined in the description and seems to me it is hardcoded for the majority of them. There has been a lot of focus on the new IFB position / role so that accommodating positions that fits a specific system will make players cover certain areas of the pitch. Any tactics outside of the 'Pep / Man City' tactics ... players do not cover certain areas of the pitch. This has been an issue for years.
  5. Hi. I uploaded a video of how this happens. Did you not receive it? It is not specific to my save, it will happen on any save. WLD-TrainingScheduleChanging.mov WLD - TrainingIssue - HIFK.fm
  6. I have a video of what has been happening for the last I don't know how many years of FM, but this year is the year it pushed me over the edge and is boiling my blood. The issue is that I have a set training schedule to maximise the growth of my players etc. But this system that you've implemented whereby the assistant manager changes your training schedule because of fixture congestion or changes is so tedious to work with. I am the manager, therefore if I am in control of training, I do not want my assistant manager to change the schedule in any shape or form. He can alert me for sure, but changing it is time consuming. It is always when there is a match on a Sunday and you want to set a training schedule for the following week. The training schedule has sessions on a Monday, but the assistant manager decides to replace it with a recovery and a rest session instead ... it is seriously annoying when I should be in control of training. I do not want any one to change it. First of all, when players have played in a match, the players who have played the majority of the match should be given a rest period automatically while the others who have not played should return to training the next day ... it does not even make sense that they should also be given a day off or some time off because it was a match the Sunday therefore the assistant manager decides the entire team needs a rest session. I've recorded what happens as this is the best way I could show to you instead of screenshots. This is time consuming having to change it every single time a match is on a Sunday and I would have to manually add those 2 sessions back in on a Monday which is saved as a custom session.
  7. This has been an issue for me since beta as well. No matter what tactic I use even with low intensity - centerbacks are basically out of breath by the 65 minute despite doing far less running and high intensity sprints than the others who are still green. Don't know if it's because I'm using a save created just after the game was launched (post-beta) that any update doesn't impact my save. Not sure.
  8. I have a similar issue but the buyout clause is silly low. Sold a player to PSG with 50% next sale clause. He is valued at 132-160 million pounds, but my board negotiated to buy out that clause for 5.23 million pounds. Not sure if that is a bug or is intended. Would be lovely to get about 65 million pounds to build my nation in Poland lol.
  9. Am I the only one who notices that there are a bunch of personalities that are in the game or search parameters/filters that you will never see (naming a few that I've yet to see after 20 years into save game) Born Leader Very Ambitious Very Sporting Iron-Willed Charismatic Leader Very Loyal Honest Slack Easily discouraged Spineless The youth development centre (which will never be worked on ever) will product 70% of the newgens with Low Determination, Unambitious, Temperamental with the rest mainly being neutral or on a rare occasion positive personalities. Even with the best personalities in your staff across the board it won't change much most of the time. A variety in personalities would be nice (negative / neutral / positive) ... otherwise - what is the point of all these personalities when it's never used? Just 80% negative.
  10. This has been happening since FM 22. Whenever a player scores a goal in a competitive match, the banner will say '10th goal of the season' - when in actual fact the player just scored his 6th goal in all competitions (all competitive games). But the banner is including goals scored in non-competitive matches in friendlies/pre-season (in this example 4 goals in pre-season/friendlies). Don't have screenshot of it because it happens and I don't have time to react and get the banner to pop up again during replays. It never used to be like this before.
  11. Firstly - why are new signings training the day they are signed? In the real world - they train the day after signing for a club. Secondly - injured through wear and tear? Player barely kicked a ball and it is pre-season. Player gets injured an hour later through wear and tear ... for 8/9 weeks.
  12. Known issue with Potter I know. But not sure if this is common, Luis Enrique getting sacked after 7 games in / less than a month at Chelsea
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