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Posts posted by Nickg07

  1. And look I'm a cm player since cm2 days... with European expansion pack...

    FM23 takes way too many clicks just to even start a match, even if you delegate.

    Fm console is too simplified to play on pc.

    FMT21 was basically almost perfect- from.someone who still loves cm01/02.

    To force pc players - your loyal base to choose between arthritis and a watered down console version via ms monthly subscription is really doing them a dirty.

    Especially since FMT21 was so good. That it wasnt continued or that you cant deselect some modules in full fat to gove that sane experience is very sad.


    And I can't update the database on fm21 either:(


    We used to print off our teams for the bus at school to show our teams to our friends and sadly the middle ground has been taken.


    Miles, team, I hope you can accommodate one day. You had it so right just 3 years ago...

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