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33 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. A regista, box to box midfilder, holding midfielder? The lad can play in a number of positions.
  2. No, I often do it by starting somewhere in Scandinavia and have no issues on a long term save.
  3. Yes that's correct, you'll have to run the save for a season to get your first intake.
  4. Make sure you have the custom leagues ticketed and loaded before you start a new save. If you don't and add the files later, they won't show up in your save.
  5. Points deduction. Check the bottom of that page and it'll tell you in red.
  6. Good points. I think when we are talking about doctors, trainers, etc of course you would want someone of the same sex. I didn't know that the law allows for favouring those who are underrepresented. I'm originally from the UK but emigrated to Japan over a decade ago, I had no idea that came into effect.
  7. Let me just clarify what I meant. If you have a filter for male and female staff, you are signaling out one sex over the other. For example, I want a female so and so or a male so and so. There are female staff in the game, but I don't go through the list of staff and choose who I want based on sex. I chose the ones with the best attributes. IRL you can't filter candidates between sex so adding it to the game would cause a lot of kick back, I think. It would be like adding a filter based on skin colour which would be unacceptable.
  8. Depends on the injury if it's written in red, they would be unavailable if it's written in orange they are fit enough for selection.
  9. No, it isn't. The save data is compatible between PC and Xbox if you're using Game Pass Ultimate and the console edition of the game. You wouldn't be able to transfer saves between console and full fat unfortunately.
  10. Do you mean when searching for staff? You can't search by sex, and I very much doubt it would be added even if requested as it seems a bit sexist.
  11. You'll have no problem with the game, by starting the game in 2024 you will just have simulated results up to that point. There is nothing you can do about that as the game isn't aware of real-life results after its release.
  12. No, you'd have to start a new save. If you were playing through the Xbox Game Pass you get access to the full fat version plus the console version. You can play the console version on both PC and Xbox so you could load up the same save.
  13. His agent says the reason in the top left. The length of contract can't be increased at the time so he's uninterested.
  14. I don't think they would sack you, but if you kept failing to meet the fans expectations then it would put you under some pressure. The board demands are much more important in my experience.
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