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Everything posted by darthcraven

  1. I’m pretty sure I’ve posted about this before, but it would be really useful to be able to focus loans of a youth player to a certain level of league. My current save managing a top division team in Portugal is my most recent example of this, but it’s not a new issue. It can be frustrating when a young player goes out on loan and tears up the third tier and then the next season not get loan offers from fourth their clubs! It would be great if I could specify I wanted loans only from second tier teams (or the equivalent from another country, based on league rating). It would also be helpful if a league rating for the requesting loan team’s league was shown in the request (or somewhere) so I could reasonably judge whether a loan to a team in a league I know nothing about made sense or not. Sending a kid to the Cypriot first tier may sound good but if that is a level below the Portuguese fourth tier, I’d like to know before accepting. Being able to stipulate playing time as a condition would also be nice. I find myself having to scout a potential loan partner’s squad before agreeing, because often they will request a player when they are loaded at the position, which leads to zero minutes played and a wasted loan. That ended up longer than planned, sorry!
  2. The last time it happened (which prompted this post) was against a big powerhouse club, but nothing else was special about the match; it wasn’t a cup match, or late in the season or anything.
  3. I’ve come across a few times, something I think might be a glitch in the game. Late in close matches the keeper will request to run up the field. But when I don’t want them to and press cancel, the request just reappears over and over. Eventually I feel I have no choice but to agree, simply to progress in the game. It has cost me goals more than once.
  4. 1. I will look for this 2. sneaky devils! Is this more likely with smaller clubs that big ones? Or when your finances aren’t too secure? Clever…
  5. 1. When I started playing the game I used to get the pop ups for players getting a knock, or keepers joint set pieces. I realize I don’t get them anymore; I noticed when I had a player on a hat trick and was awarded a pen and I wasn’t asked whether he should take it. If there is an option for this, I can’t find it! 2. I don’t think this is unique to this year, but it can be very frustrating when you aren’t given your transfer budget until well after the window opens. In my most season, it was two weeks into the window! Players I scouted have all moved or signed new contracts while I had no money to do anything. Is that by design? thanks!
  6. Very true. Like real life. But unlike real life, I have no idea of the market value of a player. I had a goal keeper who wanted out after I got relegated. His value in his profile went from $1m+ to 40k. I got offered 200k. Based on ‘value’ that seems great. I pushed it up to a bit more, but after the sale his value now shows $1m+ again. Thats all fair, but in the game I have no idea, whether by a news item or advice from staff, of what he might fetch on the market so I have no idea how to approach negotiations. I also don’t have a way to see his past value (I just happen to remember). Common sense wouldn’t have me counter a 200k offer with $1.5m, but in real life I would have some idea of what he might actually fetch. Some way of providing the player with some guidance there would be very welcome, because in real life a manager or sporting director would never enter a negotiation without that information. thanks
  7. I’m sure it’s about money. Netflix will pay you more for exclusivity. Seems an easy business decision if you’re looking to secure guaranteed income.
  8. Is it normal for a sufficiently small or obscure club to have no youth intake at all and to have no scout and be unable to find any scout interested in the job? right now I’m in season two with no scout and placing an ad or offering to senior players has come up empty. it’s the Japanese third division, if that matters. thanks
  9. i've always enjoyed starting with a smallish club and working my up and perhaps onto other, bigger jobs. in that vain, i've started in the Japanese third division for my new save. i'm enjoying the challenge! the team doesn't have a scout, and doesn't have money for one currently, but even when i did have money for one, i put out an ad for applicants and got none! senior players are also not interested. this means i have no scouts and no way of getting any right now. maybe this is as designed, but wanted to point it out. i'll see how it goes as i progress. perhaps related, is the fact that i also have no youth intake in season one. zero players. oddly, i still get reports from the assistant manager about how none of the players, of which ther are none, are up to the mark. so i wonder if that's normal with a sufficiently small or obscure club, or if it's because it's my first season and it'll improve with club fortunes or maybe becasue i don't have any scouts? a seperate note about budgets. there are some facets of how they are handled in game that are very frustrating. for instance, a club with very little money rightly imposes maximum slaries, etc. But when a contract or offer is for a future transaction (extension or transfer in a future window), it would seem much more reasonable for the club brass to consider that fact. For example, i was barred from extending my best striker because his salary is above the maximum allowable currently. but he's already making that now, and there is a lot of salary coming off the books at the end of the season. if budgets don't reset in game by the time the season ends i could end up losing him while i'll be able to afford him easily a day later. the same with buying out a good loan player--i can't buy out the loan as i have no transfer funds now, but in the next window at the end of the season i will have money and many players leaving... but his loan will be over a week or two before the conracts end and the window opens. it would be much better if the board could employ some forward thinking as i think teams do in real life. thanks for listening!
  10. It’s showing up on the App Store as of 15 minutes ago when I looked.
  11. This got me thinking about one other thing… it would be nice to see a player’s value over time. A graph or some such, perhaps with points highlighted for sale prices when the player was sold. I would find it fun to watch the value fluctuate, especially for youth players and also to see how you’ve made out with selling on players for profit.
  12. Thanks for the response. I may stop rejecting those loans out of hand! and the minimum level would be great. For a player to develop, he should want to increase his level each year if he does well!
  13. Something that’s always bothered me about loans, and I wonder if it’s been changed in FMM24 (and if not, please consider for future versions): it would be great if you could specify the minimum level of league of a loan for a player. There’s nothing more than having a hot prospect tear up the National League one year and then having to reject countless offers from the north and south leagues the next offseason when I want him to move up a league or two. It would also be nice if there was an easy way to see what league they were playing in on their current loan—the loan him shows the team name but not what league they are in, which requires several taps and swipes to discern if you don’t already know; and that’s difficult because they move and it could be in a country whose table you don’t know well. a slightly related question is the issue of leagues that don’t have simulated matches. If a player goes on loan to a sufficiently low league that isn’t fully simulated, it shows no fixtures. In real life those teams obviously play matches (this goes for lower leagues and also the reserve squads for many teams as well). Do the players on loan develop on those loans, or am I just wasting my time? thanks
  14. OK that’s fair if the ‘revolutionary’ changes have slowed down. I expect that is largely sure to financial and business realities of the different versions as well as having a game that’s very good and works… less revolutionary change needed. From what I see, many of the features often requested would amount to fundamentally changing the game and what it’s supposed to be. as was suggested, I think those folks are playing the wrong version!
  15. I’ve only been playing FMM for about 4 years, but the changes this version (subtle, incremental) seem par for the course. I don’t know if it was different before that, but I’ve come to not expect a completely new game each year. And that level of change can lead to poor results—I’ve seen it with other sports franchises before. don’t know why anyone expected the approach to change.
  16. The level of hyperbole in some of the comments is astounding! There’s a lot of hubris involved in thinking that any of us know more than SI games about what the effects of going to Netflix will be or the reasons that led to it. Whether you agree with the decision or not, would you not think they gave this all warranted thought and debate before doing so? I have Netflix, so this is great for me financially; and I totally understand that someone wouldn’t want to get Netflix just for this. But many railed against the tweet about getting Netflix when what he said was true—that Netflix had value beyond the game alone. If you don’t have or want Netflix that’s your choice, but it’s crazy to suggest it has zero value other than the game. From the start I assumed this was a financial decision for the developer and I understood it. They are a for-profit company and it’s their job to make money with their products. Making moves to ensure their survival is smart business. I also think it’s naive to think that because message boards like this one are awash with negative reaction to the Netflix announcement that there will now be nobody playing the game. Most players probably never come to this board. Clearly they would have researched what percentage of households in their major markets have Netflix, play games with their Netflix account, how many watched sports or football related content and other metrics. No doubt they concluded that raising the price would not net them the revenue that this deal would. The most angry fans who don’t have Netflix may no longer play the game, but surely they expect them to be outnumbered by the new players gained via the Netflix deal. People who have Netflix and who say they will boycott on principle: umm, ok. I think you’ll be hurting nobody but yourself with that gesture, but have at it. anyway, I wish them the best with this move, hope it works out.
  17. When multiple teams make unsolicited offers on a player that you haven’t listed or offered out for transfer, I can’t seem to negotiate past the price. In this scenario, most of the time you receive multiple offers at the same price, but I can’t find a way to add anything to that, like a sell on clause or a buy back. I’ve just been rejecting them mostly, but I’d like to figure out how to go deeper on these offers. the same applies to loan buyouts. this is an issue i've noticed for a couple years, so i'm posting it again.
  18. i did not, but over time it seemed to sort itself. a few games after sending this in, the problem seemed to go away.
  19. the board has given me another cash infusion, with the same result. no extra money to spend, and nothing changed. this time, at least, when i requested an upgrade of facilities they finally said yes (i've been asking for over a year). i don't think that's related to the cash, as they said no after both cheques many times before finally agreeing.
  20. Previously in this save, that happened when I was in a different job. but in this one, The only thing I’ve noticed is that my stadium got bigger without me requesting it and without any message saying so. I just noticed it was bigger. otherwise, nothing has been mentioned yet. Maybe next offseason?
  21. i noticed an issue in my save yesterday. i created a tactic and saved it in a tactics slot (over an old tactic i no longer used). i tweaked it and saved it again in the same slot. now when using the tactic, once loaded, any change i make to the starting lineup resets the tactic to the default roles for that formation. i have to make lineup changes pregame and then load the tactic for it to hold. it sometimes resets in game as well. as an FYI that may assist you, when i created the tactic, i changed formations by dragging the players rather than tapping the formation button in the lower right corner of the tactic layout window. it is frustrating in that it won't hold the tactic, but also that it is intermittent. i will upload saves and tactic files. thank you
  22. Something that’s always bothered me a bit is the timing of the transfer windows vs the board releasing money. Once a season ends, you are shown the ‘new season’ screen, the window opens. Players that you’ve scouted and shortlisted start getting signed by other teams while there always seems to be a few day before your board releases funds for you to do your business. I’ve lost targets this way many times. it seems that in real life owners/the board would let management know what they can work with and negotiations can take place based on that… the player can agree and wait to sign when the funds come. In the game I can only use the money ‘in the bank’ right now. I lost a player I wanted because I couldn’t offer him the desired wages… then a couple days later the board decided the back me and now, of course, I have plenty of money to pay said wages. I don’t know how complex that would be to add to the mobile game, but it would be a nice addition.
  23. In my save I was notified that the board was backing me and I’d gotten a large cash infusion. With a splashy cheque and everything. The message said it was undecided how much if it would be used on players. Now it is a couple weeks later, the transfer window is ticking away and I’ve heard nothing. How long does that normally take? The infusion was £19m, but I’m fighting with a transfer budget of 780k with newly promoted side in need of strengthening! There has been no mention since of upgraded facilities, a new stadium of anything like that.
  24. A couple notes on the UI. I like the new look overall, but I find gamr stats harder to read than before because it no longer has colour bars vertically. This is only an issue in game; if you look at the stats from the inbox or the fixture list it looks more like it did before (see attached). One other thing I’ve noticed (not new) is that you cannot see the game clock while making subs. Many times you tap the subs/tactics button and the game plays on before you are allowed to make changes, so when you get to the subs screen, you don’t know what the game time is. It would be great to know as it might alter your decisions. Another, this one is new, that you cannot see who the ref is or their temperament during a game. You have to wait for the pregame pages to go by to see that info now.
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