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20 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. As many have noticed, possession football has been nerfed a lot due to a higher number of interceptions in the middle of the park by the opposition in this year's engine - so you are left better building up via flanks or just hoofing up the ball. In real life that's kind of truth because teams have learned to be compact and protect well the middle, but in FM, it would be nice to have a balance where as long as I am overloading an area (whether middle or flanks) I can successfully dominate with the right set up and players. My bigger concern is mistakes by defenders and goalkeepers. You can have the best tactic and your defense will not make any mistakes even after playing years into saves, but once you change something that has nothing to do with how your back line behaves (i.e. mixed crosses to floated crosses) your goalkeeper will start making the stupidest mistakes. The feedback mechanism to a player is terrible - if I make a change to how we cross in the final third and my tactic is not as good now, I would expect to see highlights where we cross and that leads to opposition's counter-attack, but instead you see a goalkeeper with 20 Composure and 20 handling not being able to handle a simple header pass from your defender or GK colliding with CD in some unimaginable way. This is what really frustrates the players.
  2. I see, then I was wrong... I must say that the description and terminology is really confusing: Mark tighter implies that somehow there are different levels of marking - tight marking, tighter marking, the tightest marking or whatever... which is not the case. It should be called something like "mark tight natural zone of defense". "to their assigned opponent" - this seems that this instruction will only happen if I assign something in the first place. It should paraphrased to "particularly tight to any opponent entering his zone in defensive situations so..."
  3. I am not sure that's the case Os, but I might be wrong... There is another PI called "mark specific position" and it does what you said - whoever will enter that zone, the player will tight mark anyone there. My English interpretation of "mark tighter" is that they will stick extremely close to them but only if "tight marking" duty is assigned to opposition's player.
  4. Hello, I am not really sure I understand how "mark tighter" player instruction interacts with "tight marking" opposition instruction in different scenarios. Let's consider I have a player A on my team who plays in AM position and the opponent has player B who plays in DM position: 1) I instruct "mark tighter" PI and "tight marking" OI on player B - this means that once player B enters the zone of player A, player A will be extremely tight to player B? 2) I instruct "mark tighter" PI, but nothing on "tight marking" OI - this means that my player is not going to tight mark at all player B even if he enters his zone. 3) I do not instruct "mark tighter" PI, but instruct "tight marking" through OI on player B - this means that once player B enters the zone of player A, player A will be tight to player B? Essentially "mark tighter" PI is only active when OI is instructed on that player, otherwise, it doesn't do anything. This is my understanding so a proper clarification would be really appreciated.
  5. Hello, Playing in the Lithuanian league made available via editor. Won the league 3 before the end of season: In the last games of the season reporters are asking about being one point away from guaranteeing survival in the league, which absolutely makes 0 sense in this case:
  6. For those that are not very familiar how game/code development works in companies: I am pretty sure there is a team/person responsible for youth development attributes in a game. The bug was noted on Friday afternoon by forum moderators, it will be notified/taken a look at on Monday morning when everyone is in the office. Forum moderators probably would love to give us more insights but they cannot do that until the responsible team/person reviews and provides a feedback. Everyone need to relax a bit, developers are humans too and generally do not fix/review bugs over the weekends.
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