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457 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. Just waiting for this subforum to disappear, then it will be a lot easier to ignore and forget about it.
  2. What do you expect when you allow a corrupt, ******** of a country to host the World Cup?
  3. I used to care, then Sportswashing happened. I'm only really here for the cricket thread these days.
  4. I suppose, but I just feel nothing now. At the time it was hilarious, now it just seems utterly inconsequential. I'll leave it though, because I'm well aware I'm in the minority on this.
  5. Saudi Arabia upsetting Argentina amounted to nothing though. They couldn't capitalize on it by progressing, and the referees made sure Argentina made it all the way afterwards. Messi's World Cup should have ended with him being sent off against Netherlands for multiple cautionable offenses.
  6. Serious answer? Because I've seen us play outside of the World Cup. Just because I didn't watch those games doesn't change anything. I'm perfectly capable of reading analysis of the games as well if I wanted to, but frankly I don't care what happens at this joke of a World Cup. It's fitting that a team that lost to Saudi Arabia won the whole thing. It just shows how pointless these arguments actually are.
  7. Honestly don't give a **** about soccer and didn't even watch a single one of our games. I just love how upset all the eurosnobs get everytime these rankings come out.
  8. USA are a striker away from being capable of contending against anybody. On most days, our midfield will outwork just about anybody and we have the pace to keep teams on the back foot. The defense can be a mess, but that's true of most teams. Would love to see England play matches in Central America and see how easy they think it is after getting kicked all over the pitch for 90 minutes, while suffering ridiculous abuse from the stands.
  9. The same USA that England barely drew with?
  10. It was in Qatar. No way it can be more than 1. Glad it's finally over. Now the world can go back to ignoring all their human rights abuses.
  11. Yeah, really not sure why Qatar are being given the benefit of the doubt here. Occam's Razor and all.
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