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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Sorry for the links, I can't display the images correctly
  2. Hello everyvody ! First of all, sorry for my English which is not necessarily very good. Then a big thank you to @keysi for this skin that I love and I've been using you for several months/years, it's beautiful and has everything I'm looking for... But I want to launch a game without attributes, I also admire the word of @GIMN and the "the deployment of her brand" on the @TCSSkin skin I wanted to know if it's possible to replace the Rensie skin attributes page with the TCS skin drop-down menu? 2 screenshots to make it more visual https://imgur.com/a/sxHrw08 https://imgur.com/a/kouST8E Thank you very much for your help, is this easily doable and achievable?
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