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Darren Moores Mum

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Darren Moores Mum last won the day on May 29 2023

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7,202 "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"


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    You'll never get past Semedo

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    Sheffield Wednesday

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  1. And it's over. Bittersweet tbh. Yeah, I'm not a fan but at the end of the day I wish it could be stepping down because he brought home a trophy and leaving on a high.
  2. Anyway, angrily removing my wall chart is about the extent of my motivation today. What a shitter.
  3. That encapsulates our whole tournament tbh. From the first game we knocked it sideways a bit before going back to Pickford to lump the **** out of it.
  4. You manage the situation don't you? It's not about what happened previously but when your main striker can't get through a hour and has previously looked poor, then perhaps something isn't right There's not a single game where he looked right. I bloody love Kane but that was tragic to watch throughout.
  5. Spain controlled possession but I don't think they looked good going forward. We didn't have much of answer when we did have the ball though It was another final that completely passed us by, like the last one. Just poor.
  6. Kane didn't look fit all the way through. That he was subbed several times makes me think it was known that was the case.
  7. We offered nothing though, did we? The Palmer goal came out of very little. Spain weren't great but they controlled the game. We've looked poor all tournament and had moments that saved us.
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