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Darren Moores Mum

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Darren Moores Mum last won the day on May 29 2023

Darren Moores Mum had the most liked content!


7,097 "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in"

About Darren Moores Mum


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    You'll never get past Semedo

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    Sheffield Wednesday

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  1. Can't believe France are going to win the lot not scoring a goal from open play.
  2. The other night when he was screaming to the Heavens before ballooning it over.
  3. Whoa. All the Turkey players collapsing to the floor as well. Just drained.
  4. Was hoping for more from Romania but they've been crap. Deserved 2nd.
  5. He had 2 fantastic chances. The first was a complete scuffer. Really poor.
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