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Everything posted by gm23

  1. Inside forwards don't cut inside with the ball like they should. They play like cowards, rarely beat their defender and often just run to the byline then pass backwards. It was infuriating to watch and should have been fixed in the winter update. At one stage it was so embarrassingly bad that even when in behind the defence and through on goal, the IF would instead head for the byline and pass backwards. I had some of the best IF's in my save and don't think I seen them cut inside and score a great goal even once. There are plenty of videos floating around online which show this issue and how idiotic it looks. It's absolutely shameful it wasn't fixed.
  2. No! The reason. The IF bug which completely ruined the match engine yet was never corrected in FM22 even though the issue was apparent from a very early stage. This was shameful from Sports Interactive and was blatantly left this way so that they could entice people to buy the next edition. FM22 could have been the best ever but for greed.
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