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Everything posted by Dibil

  1. Yeah, testimonials have never worked on console AFAIK.
  2. This might be a thing in the console version too. Checked some of my young players and yeah, no improvement in four seasons. Bloody hell. I wish I'd noticed this early on.
  3. My manager is stuck looking like he did when I initially created him. I've tried a few times to modify his clothes and beard since then, but the changes always revert when I click confirm and exit.
  4. I've had some stuttering too. It seems to only occur when using the ''Director'' spectate option.
  5. Is it just me or is the Golden Ball kind of broken this year? Mo Salah won the quadruple with 42 goals, 23 assists and a 7.75 avg rating. Shoo-in for the award, right? Imagine my surprise when I saw this: How did he not even finish top 3 after all that? Haaland coming 2nd with that underwhelming G/A and no trophies is especially bizarre.
  6. No kidding. I've conceded more free kicks than penalties.
  7. United had a horrible start in my save. It took nearly two months for them to get the first win and they were in the bottom five at Christmas. They ended up going on a decent run after that and finished 9th.
  8. Almost non-existent. You can give team talks but you can't single out anyone during them, nor can you initiate meetings outside of a match. A player might confront you if they're unhappy about playing time. In my experience this is quite rare, though. Most of them will just huff in silence and you won't know there's a problem unless you look at their page.
  9. I've also noticed the total absence of substitutions when using instant result. Has to be a bug.
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