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Posts posted by Emiliuz

  1. Another thing. Trying snapping loans on transfer deadline dates as teams tends to just want to get rid of their players no matters the cost. That means you basicly can loan player for free instead of have to pay wages etc.

    Simply search for players who's listed for loan on transfer deadline and get those players in for free.

  2. On 06/12/2021 at 20:09, Prepper_Jack said:

    A Center, trained as a central defender, can increase in tackling skill through numerous training sessions. Sessions that focus on individual roles, such as match practice, attacking movement, and defensive shape do decently for this. Tackling is also exercised fairly well in numerous sessions marked under "Defending", for the defensive training unit, as long as you keep your defenders in the defense training unit, which is advisable. There are also holistic sessions that can train everyone in the squad in tackling, like the generic "Defense" session, or the transition press and transition restrict sessions under technical training sessions. There may be no "additional focus" training type for tackling, but that extra training is always supplemental, and not the main avenue of growth. I have seen defenders grow multiple points in tackling over a season.

    As far as jumping is concerned, each player does have a cap on that, influenced by their height. You're not going to get 20 jumping reach with a 5'3"/160cm center, and height is not something you have any control over. If you're looking for centers, half-backs, or target men, you really do need to filter by height. Everything else should be trainable. I have seen what look like terrible prospects out of the youth squad be simply late bloomers with a ton of potential that grow like crazy. One I saw was a wonder kid in sheeps clothing... started with 1-5 in relevant stats for his position (far worse than a grey player), and grew 4-6 points in everything in a single season. If you have reasonable facilities, the only truly difficult stats to improve the way you like are personality.. and of those consistency is the hardest to improve, which is perhaps the most impactful overall stat.

    "As far as jumping is concerned, each player does have a cap on that, influenced by their height. You're not going to get 20 jumping reach with a 5'3"/160cm center, and height is not something you have any control over. If you're looking for centers, half-backs, or target men, you really do need to filter by height. Everything else should be trainable." That being said Jumping reach is still trainable so don't be too alarmed even if the CB is 170 cm. I got a CB who's 170 with 13 jumping reach and 18 accel + 19 speed

  3. 5 minutes ago, kentonizking said:

    Are you scouting regions instead of nations? Much better coverage.


    Basically what I'm saying is, if top tier talent won't come due to infrastructure - then you have to take from the middle/lower tier nations initially.

    Once you start getting some European success, your club rep will help counter the poor infrastructure.

    Hi Kento!

    Well the last 4 years I've been competing in the later stages of champions league.

    Some of my scouts are scouting specific countries - some are scouting regions.
    I've been struggling to find scouts with decent knowledge of Africa and Asia. - Should I just hire a great scout ( with good adaptability) and force him to scout those areas?

  4. Hi guys. Bought this 15 year old superstar, but having troubles to decide what position to play him! 

    WB = As i don't play wingers - 

    Pros: Technique - Crossing 

    Cons: Speed and defensive skills


    Mezalla = would be a decent option

    Pros: Flair, Technique, Great mentals

    Cons: Would be taking Hugo Felix's spot, 11 passing, low speed


    Advanced Forward? He is not fast or the best finisher?


    Let me hear your thoughts!


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