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Posts posted by dodge_10

  1. 1 hora atrás, BrunosTaxi disse:

    I’m trying to use this system in my Newcastle save. I switched from 433 to 4231 recently to improve my attacking threats. However, I often find that my wingers and strikers are not getting enough support and hence my team is not scoring. I tried to push the 2 dm up to the cm position and drop LW RW to LM RM. With this 4411, my team performs a lot better in attacking but not doing so great at defending and possession. If I make changes that ask my team to defend better and control the game more, they can’t score again… I just can’t seem to get the balance right :(

    Yeah, I'm trying to implement it in my Journeyman save but I have the same feeling. I'm trying to think what I could change. Maybe IF(s) with stay wider helps it a lit bit and provide more support to Advanced Forward. If you figure out something, let us know. Hehehe

  2. Hey Cleon! I really liked this thread!

    One question: I tried to use the same formation/instructions that you said before but I changed the role of F9 to DLP on support, the Roaming Playmaker to Advanced Playmaker on support and HB to Anchor.

    I really like the possession game but I think that sometimes I cannot score because my players is playing safe and cant create a lot of opportunities. Do you have any advice here?

    What can I do to be a little more agressive or create more chances to score? 

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