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Richie Riley

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77 "There's no crying in baseball"


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    Just an American trying to understand English Football

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  1. Hello. I can when I get home later but about an hour ago it somehow resolved itself. I honestly can't explain how. I took a break and went back to the same file and it was still all greyed out but I just kept pressing auto select and cancel changes and every other button available until it finally auto selected all the players. I truly have no idea why it finally worked, when it didn't select them for over an hour, but it did. So while I could send you the save file in not sure that it's going to help with whatever the issue is since I've magically moved past it. It never did resolve the greying out issue, that was still there but it allowed me to finally move past that screen when it auto selected the team.
  2. Squad selection screen is completely greyed out and won't allow me to select anybody. I can't auto-select because the game doesn't think I have enough players that have to be auto-selected as most of my guys are under 20 or goalkeepers so the game is only auto-selecting 11 players which HAVE to be selected and won't select the others. I have deleted the game, reloaded it, loaded the 3 different saves that I have of this game and none of it fixes it. I've tried clicking everywhere on the screen to try and get it to select someone and it won't.
  3. And there you have it... a few wins and right up the table. Brilliant.
  4. Or only a couple of wins from possibly going up 4 spots... glass half full view. You knew it was going to be rough riding, so treading water while staying alive is good.
  5. Ah, cheers but I very seriously doubt that I'm competent enough in what I'm doing to make that work. I love the game, absolutely love it, but I don't really understand the tactics or the difference between what each position does, especially when you break it down to box-to-box or defensive or support. It's fine, maybe someday I'll understand it more, but for now I'm just enjoying what I do know!
  6. I like how you do your attributes. I don't know how you do it but I like it. It's better than just using the game itself I think. And I'm sure it's more an accurate reflection on each player. Good luck in the new season.
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