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Everything posted by Panças

  1. ok. Right after "overview" i changed the code to this. But now dosen't show anything. What am I missing? @snowofman <!-- OVERVIEW --> <container id="over" draw_vertical_dividers="true"> <translation id="title" translation_id="257300" type="use"/> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-16,-7" vertical_inset="8" horizontal_gap="16"/> <container draw_vertical_dividers="true"> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-4,-7" /> <!-- LEFT HAND SIDE --> <container draw_horizontal_dividers="true"> <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-12,-6" vertical_gap="8"/> <!-- Slide in from side of screen --> <animation class="translate_animation" trigger_id="hidden" trigger_value="false" start_value="-1,0" end_value="0,0" duration="0.35" end_mode="hold_auto_reverse_hold" tween="ease_out" coord_mode="relative_to_screen" apply_to_mouse="false" /> <!-- Fade animation --> <animation class="fade_on_hide_animation" duration="0.35"/> <!-- VISUALISER --> <container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" id="prmC"> <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="top,extend" horizontal_inset="8"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> <!--xG MAP--> <widget class="data_analyst_visualisation_widget" id="vis1" visualisation_type="xg_map" data_type="fixture" file="widgets/data analyst visualisation mini" show_mini_visualisation_text="false" default_focus="true" > <!-- Slide in from side of screen --> <animation class="translate_animation" trigger_id="hidden" trigger_value="false" start_value="-1,0" end_value="0,0" duration="0.35" end_mode="hold_auto_reverse_hold" tween="ease_out" coord_mode="relative_to_screen" apply_to_mouse="false" /> <!-- Fade animation --> <animation class="fade_on_hide_animation" duration="0.35"/> </widget> <!--momentum map--> <widget class="match_live_data_analyst_visualisation_panel" id="afMM" visualisation_type="momentum"> <translation id="title" translation_id="535500" type="use" value="Match Momentum[COMMENT: AREA: Data Visualisation; SUB-AREA: Pass map FR: 32708; TONE: Formal; CHARLIMIT: None; NOTE: dataviz title string, the match momentum data viz charts how the match went with regards to each team enjoying spells on top/chances created]" /> <translation id="subtitle" translation_id="551830" type="use" value="Visualisations[COMMENT: AREA: Match Visualisations; SUB-AREA: visualisation subcategory header FR: 32932; TONE: Formal; CHARLIMIT: None NOTE: string for category header of data visualisations from analysis team]" /> </widget> </container>
  2. Hey @snowofman thank you very much Sir. His this part of the code that I need to replace? <list id="properties_to_forward"> <record get_property="HNEp" target="NEvp" set_property="hidn" /> <record get_property="HNEp" target="NEvl" set_property="hidn" /> <record get_property="HFep" target="FEEP" set_property="hidn" /> <record get_property="HTtp" target="TTab" set_property="hidn" /> <record get_property="OTfi" target="TTab" set_property="OTfi" /> <record get_property="HTsi" target="TTab" set_property="HTsi" /> <record get_property="OTsi" target="TTab" set_property="OTsi" /> <record get_property="HSMt" target="TTab" set_property="HSMt" /> <record get_property="ASMt" target="TTab" set_property="ASMt" /> <record get_property="HSMt" target="Tlew" set_property="HSMt" /> <record get_property="ASMt" target="Tlew" set_property="ASMt" /> <record get_property="HSMt" target="Tsro" set_property="HSMt" /> <record get_property="ASMt" target="Tsro" set_property="ASMt" /> <record get_property="HSMt" target="Tpra" set_property="HSMt" /> <record get_property="ASMt" target="Tpra" set_property="ASMt" /> </list>
  3. Hey guys, can anyone tell me how can I put 'Match Momentun' and 'xG Match Story' in the OVERVIEW page tablet? and replace it with 'Focus of Attacks' and 'Action Zones'. Is this possible to do?
  4. Hey guys, been using v1.2 for a while now and notice that the scouting panel sometimes shows everyting just fine, and sometimes it gets very compact. Are these two different panels?
  5. Man. How could I not see that! http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/mad/mad0228.gif Thank you @mlodziezowy
  6. Hey, very nice skin. I must say. For the life of me I can't find the player height in player profile page. Can anyone please guide me here?
  7. Would love to see and test this alternative version of your skin. Would you mind share it?
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