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  1. I'm trying to make a super basic CPL database with the Canadian teams in MLS moved to the CPL and every other team in Canada in an inactive division with 2 promotion/relegation slots per season. My problem is that it keeps making the Concacaf competitions disappear. I assume it has something to do with the Canadian Championship, so I did not add any rules to it or change it, but I'm still getting the CCC issues. Do you know why this is happening and how I can fix it? I've attached my working db here. Canada.fmf
  2. I want to make it so English clubs cannot buy English players. I can't seem to figure it out though. I changed the registration rules so English players can't be registered for English competitions and changed all transfer windowns to foreign transfers only, but English teams are still signing English players even though they can't use them in the league. I've attached my WIP database in case anyone wanted to take a look. Does anyone have any advice on how to make this work? English player rules + no English players + Window.fmf
  3. Thank you for flagging this! It never came up in any of my tests, but I wouldn't be surprised if certain nations work differently. One thing I would check is if your nation allows for dual nationalities. If it doesn't, that could cause problems.
  4. I figured out a way to create something like the club you're talking about manually. Here is a guide to that. It seems to work every time, but I haven't tested it comprehensively, so let me know if you have any problems with it.
  5. Thanks! I had pretty much the same idea as you and a lot of free time, so I started moving teams around and seeing which ones had rules that followed them. I later found out that others had done similar tests here on the forums. I think my spreadsheet still has every existing club with a hardcoded rule, but people on this post keep track of those things better than me, so you might be interested in checking it out.
  6. I want to make it so English clubs cannot buy English players. I can't seem to figure it out though. I changed the registration rules so English players can't be registered for English competitions, but English teams are still signing English players even though they can't use them in the league. Does anyone have any advice?
  7. Here is a guide I wrote up for doing just what you're looking for.
  8. Here is my database I tested and got that error from the screenshot in hthe post I linked to. I just tested it again and it had the same error. MLS WIP test.fmf
  9. @Wolf_pd I'm still having the same issue as well. I brought it up in this thread which was where the bug was first reported in the Bug Tracker. I'm not sure if anyone from SI has checked though considering they think it's a resolved issue...
  10. Has anyone gotten this to work after the most recent update? I changelist says this bug has been fixed, but I'm still getting the exact same issue after I updated FM24, the pregame editor, and after reverifying the rules of a database I'm working on. The editor allows me to verify my database with formerly extinct clubs in my leagues, but I'm not able to start a save with my database because there aren't enough teams in one of my leagues. I've attached a screenshot showing the error I get.
  11. Still a problem unfortunately. It doesn't seem to affect all extinct clubs though, so I'm not sure if Bermuda Hogges will work or not
  12. I'm still having issues with extinct teams. Are teams that were previously unplayable now playable for you or did you just try to activate an extinct team and it's playable? I'm asking because it seems like this bug only affects some extinct teams. I have a 24 team division where 7 of the teams were formerly extince. 5/7 of those teams are playable. I don't know why the other two aren't
  13. Is that really what it is? That would be really helpful to know in the future. Quick question though, aren't all EFL clubs fully licensed? You can move them into other divisions without problems. Forgive me if I'm missing something or if fully licensed doesn't mean what I think it does
  14. I just tested this again. If the leave date and move date are the same, a stadium move will work
  15. Did changing the leave dates work for you? I tried a few different leave dates and played with the other settings before making the post here and had no luck. Using a blank leave date was my last test and I still got this issue
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