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Posts posted by slipknottin

  1. So your staff have their own "world knowledge". Usually of countries they are from, or where they were recently employed. That will show itself in the world map. It will take a long time for your scouts to gain knowledge of countries you send them to, but eventually you will see the knowledge of those countries increase on that map.

  2. Trying to edit Oriental Dragon before I start my save.

    Things I am trying to accomplish.

    Club Vision - the main club vision section in the editor for Oriental Dragon is blank (and does nothing in game when you edit it), but the club owner's personal club vision is what it lists as the club vision when you start a save with the team. However, if i edit his personal club vision, it doesn't come through when I start a save, is there another place I need to edit it?

    Scouting Range - is this possible to change?

    Staff job openings - is it possible to add empty/open staff jobs?  I would like to have a performance analyst job open so I can hire someone when I start the save. 

    and finally, more of a personal annoyance than anything, is it possible to separate the assistant coach from the other coaches in the game staff menu? Some teams do and some don't and it bugs me when it doesn't separate them.  I will give an example of what I am talking about

    no asst coach.jpg

    asst coach.jpg

  3. Type: Desktop
    Model: Custom
    CPU Model: Ryzen 5600X
    CPU Base Frequency: 3.70 GHz
    CPU Turbo Frequency: 4.60 GHz (PBO and autoOC off)
    RAM: 32GB
    RAM Clockspeed: 3600Mhz
    GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070
    Graphics Level in 3D: High
    Storage Type: SSD

    Benchmark A: 00 min 55 Sec
    Benchmark B: 04 min 42 Sec
    Benchmark C: 10 min 55 Sec
    Benchmark D: 35 min 00 Sec


    Quick re-test with PBO and AutoOC on =

    Benchmark A: 00 min 52 Sec
    Benchmark B: 04 min 30 Sec

    Those second numbers mirror pretty closely to what f32q posted. I would imagine the Benchmark C and D are very close as well to his numbers.


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