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Everything posted by Navelgazer

  1. A cruel end, you staying for 1 more attempt? Really enjoying the updates and the layout of them
  2. Navelgazer

    25 Years

    Lovely to see Spurs heading towards Division Two, even if it is early days
  3. Don't think it's something you can plan for, it's just how a game pans out. I suppose you could play defensively and allow the opposition on and hope for a smash and grab win?
  4. Usually unlocks if you win a game you've been dominated in, say the opposition has 12 shots to your 2 and you win 2-0 for example
  5. Agree with most of this. The VAR thing is a bit of an irritant as it's a feature that could add a lot. You just know already the foul was outside the box or it was offside and are waiting for animation to finish. Also scoring from corners is not an incisive breakaway! In reality they are minor quibbles in otherwise another good game. I can always tell a good FM/CM game on the basis of has the save got me doodling my lineups in a dull meeting/ classroom and this is a firm yes.
  6. EHM Mobile would be incredible, a gap in the market there. HLM is getting better and better though.
  7. I think the answer to the above is there (like) football correct answer. I'm about 13 years in in FMM23 and it just varies in my experience, I find that more professional players tend to adapt better to first team and those that are more enigmatic and perhaps moody/ arrogant can struggle if not playing all the time and development stalls.
  8. I said I would pop back when it came out. Luckily my Netflix plan does allow me to have this on my phone. First impressions. Good. Everything seems much tidier , i enjoy the little details , such as around tactics and the breakdown and explanation. UI wise, this is another step forward, most of the info was on FM23 but it just works better now and gives better immersion. It's a subtle evolution, such as quick subs and mentality but one that on first viewing gives a nicer experience. I feel the game is more 'alive' if that makes any sense. Although the game closing down when you use any other app isn't ideal !
  9. Most definitely a case of after the horse has bolted, but anyone else have issues with Attendances. I'm Everton and it's one thing that really bugs me. FA Cup quarter final against Liverpool when I've won 5 on the spin, 14k at Goodison. Europe League Semi Final 13k. If finance is linked to this, particularly if I was a small club on a cup run , it kind of breaks the immersion.
  10. Hope so, but I think we're in this. The new password clampdown has confused me a bit tbf. Ad-free “basic” subscription (not available to new subscribers): £7.99 per month, up from £6.99 per month. You can watch, with no adverts, on one device at a time. Downloads are permitted. II'll have to check. I really should pay more attention. As she keeps telling me....
  11. Some seem quite cosmetic and I presume to make it accessible for those coming new to it via Netflix. Pre Match etc already available albeit perhaps now tidier and given greater relevance. I often find it's the little tweaks, such as the goal drought and ability to ask keeper to come up, as well as another licensed league. I've no doubt it will be a good game and most likely a slightly more immersive version and game world. The above response from Marc all sounds good and building a better game world that reflects management and the media etc all quite significant steps. I don't expect or want a 3D engine, tbf a lot of "full fat" FM players prefer 2D too. Heck I prefer text, I'd like that improving! Nor womens leagues shoehorned in early and I have a vested interest in them being added. A lot of emotion will be behind this, some will want it to fail due to the Netflix position. Which I understand. However I imagine the development team would probably prefer it wasn't behind Netflix too. I hope I still have the Netflix premium account so I can play on my phone. If not I obviously won't be paying the extra £££ to allow Netflix on multiple devices as I only really watch the odd thing with the wife on the big telly. That's the sad crux and reality . I'd love to support it and play it but circumstances may dictate otherwise.
  12. Played loads of hours across a few versions now and never seen a GK sent off or booked in a match or injured (match or training) Is this something not coded into the game or has it just eluded me?
  13. That's an interesting thing to know about, adds a new dimension
  14. As title, saves made added on the player stats screen for the GK during match.
  15. How many would complain if games are lost because you couldn't make changes ? Is this an issue on full fat FM?
  16. League Rules Adding the rules for each league in terms of eligibility ie X number of foreign players. Doesnt need to be the full technical breakdown but a broad brush stroke , think would increase longevity and provide a challenge in some lesser leagues, would keep game world more balanced and realistic over a longer save. Perhaps option to remove as per abolish work permits. Finances Being realistic I don't expect a full accountant style breakdown as per main game. However perhaps something that builds a bit of immersion without overcomplicating. A message at the end or start of the season. "You earned £X last season from Prize Money" "You earned £X last season from TV appearances , a proportion of this has been added to your budgets for next season" Thanks
  17. I used to enjoy that feature on Premier Manager 98, I see the merits of it being paid feature. Personally fast commentary only gets me tbrough when rushing, but completely understand desire on mobile for instant result,some good points made. I wouldn't want it to come at the expense of dumbing down the game though.
  18. I've been having some good success with mentoring, only had perhaps 1 breakdown recently, whether this was due to a change at last update I don't know. I never go off assistant reccomends though , perhaps that plays a part ? I am clearly an anomaly, but the last few evenings of play I've invested more time into mentoring than any other save.
  19. Wonder if the number of loans needs looking at, lots of teams in National League have around 20 or so on loan at one time.
  20. Yeah, tbf more often than not, it's played on the go so lack of sound doesn't really cross mind
  21. I'm guessing it's a size thing , but I do miss the thud of the ball and the roar like the old games commentary only, on slow, imagination central.
  22. I've noticed an inconsistency in a few screenshots was wondering reason for it myself. Your FM23 match screen Mine I thought it may be an IOS/Android or OME/EME difference, but seems not.
  23. Board confidence not updating correctly, showing disappointment in winning the league, predicted mid table.
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