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  1. It's been known that SI doesn't like players that play long-term saves. It's a purposeful decision to make the game worse as you progress through seasons. It forces you to buy their newer game as you get bored after playing the game a couple of seasons. Won't buy any of their games until they change this business practice.
  2. If SI is looking for engineers to hire and fix this issue, let me know. But I don't think they invest a lot of engineering effort into making the game enjoyable for players that play long-term saves. It's a good game for 1 season or 2 season max. After that, the game falls apart.
  3. If you want to win the league every season then sure.
  4. I don't think the QE even realize these player development/ai squad management bugs since it existed since FM 22. Everyone needs to play couple of matches to find these issues or simply go to holiday. Either that or they purposefully build this game this way to give new/casual players a chance to be good at this game by making AI managers very bad. I don't know which one yet and I don't think SI will confirm it.
  5. Tried the game and immediately refunded it. Won the league with Luton Town with 95 points in the second season in Premier League. AI have 0 squad management skills(doesn't maintain sharpness or condition or substitutions), very bad transfers and gets much more worse over time because they don't develop their young players(doesn't play them, doesn't loan them). Easily the easiest FM ever. Too bad it has the best match engine though. Refund the game before the refund period especially when there is misleading headline features. That's what the refund process is for.
  6. It's funny the headline feature isn't implemented in the game. Poor AI squad management, poor transfers, aging squad. Other people like dave is fixing this for free and FM can't fix this for 2 years.
  7. @LeoFM needs to be hired as a official QA for Football Manager. The current QA just glosses over game-breaking issue for long term saves.
  8. There is no difference in AI picking youth over FM 22 and FM 23. I don't understand why it was advertised as so.
  9. Ever since FM 2022, AI manager has sucked with development and transfers. It's like they are purposefully trying to make it worse to make the game easier for casuals.
  10. Welp noy buying FM. Even FIFA have better AI Manager. This game is too easy after 4 years.
  11. Has this been fixed on the latest FM? This is the reason why I stopped playing FM 23 as the average of every teams increasing a lot by the end of year 4.
  12. This is not a trivial issue to fix. It requires major rework on manager AI which has been lacking for a while now. AI Manager's team selection and transfers needs a major overhaul to add more challenges. It's easy to win UCL after 5-6 seasons repeatedly because all AI managed teams gets worse overtime, which completely kills any immersion. It makes the game way too static and makes me feel like everything revolves around me which is not a true simulation.
  13. So nothing was fixed yet again... Back to playing Fifa 23 which has better AI squad management.
  14. I have a feeling they won't address this until FM 24. There needs to be major overhaul in how Manager AI picks players, how AI loans out players and how youth reputation grows to properly fix this. Any other short-term fixes would just be a bandaid at this point.
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