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Jack Sarahs

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350 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"


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    Sports Interactive Match Team QA

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  1. Apologies I've only just seen this but great thread and as someone who worked on that feature I'm really pleased to see people enjoy it to this level!
  2. Lovely post & thread! I can't say for sure it was only because of Football Manager, but while very young I decided I wanted to become a Football coach having played Sports Interactive games going back to 2001/2002. Before joining Sports Interactive in my current role, I was a professional coach having acquired my UEFA B License & had worked as an academy coach at a League Two football club. If not purely because of Football Manager, it at the very least played a huge influential part in my journey and I've now ended up here at the company itself.
  3. Don't forget that's a IWB-D which will rotate into midfield so his rest defence would be a 2-2 or 3-2 depending on where the WB-S is and if they've advanced or not. (Might even look more like a 2-3 in some moments) In answer to your question OP, I would approach it how you might solve this tactical problem if you encountered it or something similar in real life. Having something with 2 holding midfielders (That don't rotate forwards in the positional play rotations feature) to prevent quick attacks then looking to attack the opponent with attacking wing-backs that hold the width to create 2v1's on their full-back's might be worth a try. It might be worth going into more detail about what you're struggling with against this formation. Is it creating chances & scoring or defending against this system? Because depending on that information it might be worth using a IFB-D role along with an attacking wing-back the other side to create 2v1's on one side, then using the other to have 3 central defenders while your team is attacking to create a 3v2 in your favour if your team turns over the ball and they play direct into their forward line. This is the fun of football tactics there's so many different ways you can attack the same problem!
  4. Well it depends what you mean. Is there a positional rotation for this in the game? No. Could you use AP or IW with sit narrower and minimum width to create this shape? Yes.
  5. I'm not 100% certain on what you're seeking as an overall tactical picture, but I would make sure that you don't have any roles at CM that rotate forwards (This keeps the wide players slightly wider) and/or make sure your team width is set to narrow. Also applying the PI of sit narrower could help further. I often find when people mention something like this they have their team width set to wide, just changing from wide to narrow and seeing how they set up from things like goal kicks should show the difference on it's own. I would start with the team width first, then take a look at what roles you have that rotate forwards and force the wide players to stay wide and changing them seeing what combinations you feel like gives you the best balance.
  6. Hi @henriquel Please have a read through this and create a ticket if the steps don't help your issue https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/19429026666769-What-should-I-do-if-my-save-game-no-longer-loads-in-Football-Manager Create a ticket link: https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/requests/663031 Thank you Jack
  7. Just want to say firstly that this is a great thread. Started and written from someones pure love for FM and wanting to recreate something within FM24 and the spirit it's written in is shown in the same level of responses. @RDF Tactics It appears to me that in some of your early screenshots you are playing against 3CB tactics with WB's and because of your formation match up & tactic versus theirs, your wide players are looking to man mark their wingers when they progress up the pitch in certain moments. Great stuff though love stuff like this I wish I could participate more!
  8. Hi @SkepticalGavin Just so you're aware, that screen is only advisory as a reference point for your tactic and to help people understand the tactic they've set up better. The fact that some areas are red have no impact on the ME and how the tactic plays out or how the players play so you don't need to worry about that. If you're happy with how you've set the tactic up feel free to ignore the advice and watch the tactic play out yourself and make your own judgments! Hope this helps Jack
  9. Hi there I've only just seen this thread, but as someone who works on the match engine I can categorially inform everyone that the ME doesn't calculate differently based on if the GK is a human GK or an AI GK. If you are experiencing a massive disconnect between your GK's performance and the opponent's on a regular basis there will be other factors at play for this.
  10. They've got 4 central attacking players when they're countering or producing a quick direct attack. If you go with your current shape in FM, they're going to have a spare player most of the time. You have 2v2 at CB then 1DM against 2 AMC's. If you care primarily about stopping them and you're having an issue against this specific system i would consider a 3-4-2-1 type shape. 3CB's vs 2 ST (+1 in your favour for both defending and playing out) 2 DM's vs 2 AM's WB's free to step up and press the opposing FB's when the ball is on their side 2 AM's vs 2DM's 1ST vs their 2 CB's. Without getting into too much other detail as you haven't spoken about too much else other then the formation, from a numbers perspective this is where I would start against a 4-2-2-2 and especially a 4-2-2-2 in FM. Don't forget with the positional rotations feature you can start it in a 3-4-2-1 and make it look a lot different in possession after the rotations kick in.
  11. There will be some great people on the forum that can help you I'm sure. For a start point I would suggest if you want your IF to be that narrow as you've posted in your image, you would want your team width to be a little narrower, set a Sit narrower PI on him and finally (maybe most importantly) change your AP role. The AP role is rotating forwards and will keep your IF wider because of this. You would need a "non rotating" CM role such as DLP or CM-S to prevent this. @Rashidi did a thread about the positional rotations feature where the roles that trigger rotations are listed and this thread can be found here:
  12. Hi @DolphinSpain I wrote a brief explanation for "step up" / "drop off" in a thread last year. Hopefully this helps!
  13. Hi, I’ll have to get back to you another time or get Jack Joyce to reply to you about the incorporation stuff you’ve mentioned, but this specific information was explained in the Positional play rotations feature blog that was published prior to the game being released. https://www.footballmanager.com/features/truer-football-motion-match-authenticity-positional-play
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