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Everything posted by Mst82

  1. Augsburg v Crystal Palace, both in white: Without any malicious intent, how on earth can you release the full game with fundamental bugs like this?
  2. Well that went well - still a work in progress I think - mind you the 3 shots 3 goals aspect will forever infuriate me about this game
  3. Hasn’t made a difference for me. Still not downloading 😔
  4. Although not every game, quite often I’m hit with late comebacks. Only the other day on FM24 i was 2-1 up at Wolves and comfortable, with 4 minutes to go. From nowhere they turned into prime Liverpool in terms of their high press and scored two goals to beat me 3-2. I had a look through my previous 10-15 games and I conceded a fair few late goals to drop points, particularly in games where the score line was close - even though I had dominated the games statistically. Do those experts out there have any generic tips for closing out games? I often try to go a little more direct, slow the pace down etc etc but still come unstuck. The AI seems to employ a tactic whereby they can get their forward players to sit on my back line and I’d love to know how they’re doing this, as any high press I try doesn’t get anywhere near this! They also seem to have the ability to put the ball in behind from deep, again something I have never been able to replicate. These seem to be the main two factors that cause my late capitulations - the amount of late headed goals I concede from deep crosses is insane. (I try combinations of staying narrow, closing down wide players, staying wide, dropping my wingers back…. I cannot consistently prevent the above from happening and it’s really spoiling the game for me)
  5. My gk just fractured his arm, unchallenged catching a cross
  6. 😂 aye this has happened to me - Wolves away, hadn’t made any subs and were dead on their feet, over the Christmas period, yet they pressed like they were possessed in the last 10 minutes and either equalised or beat me, I can’t remember which now - but it was totally out of context with the game and unbelievably overpowered. As you say though, it’s expected in FM these days.
  7. I tend to watch full games on very fast, and I’ve noticed both the human controlled team and the AI run the ball out of play for a throw-in A LOT!
  8. 3-0 up at home to Arsenal and it does this to me! The box itself even crashed so I can't send it in! Cheers SI I'll give it one last try, 3rd time v Arsenal and if it does this again I'll give up and start a new game.
  9. Fed up to the back teeth of this, all I did was change my back line from very high to high
  10. Aside from the legacy issues and “teething problems” I’m really enjoying the game. It flows really smoothly in the ME and the players seem to be doing what they’re told tactically, which is very welcome.
  11. Far too many AI goals from throw ins, i.e. short throw, pass it about, score. Seems to be every other game for me. My coaching staff are still thick as mince and their advice usually proves detrimental. Why have a player as a ball winning midfielder by default, but with a trait of gets forward whenever possible, for example? Makes zero logical sense. Mistakes playing out from the back, by players with good composure etc are far too frequent. Yes it happens occasionally but not regularly. Being offside when the ball is passed back to a throw taker is literally every time. Again, this can happen occasionally in real life but not every time.
  12. Please can you have a look at the issue whereby the throw-in take receives a pass immediately after a short throw, deep in the oppo third, and he's offside? I know it happens from time to time but it's literally every time on the game!
  13. Scored 8 goals, winning 3-2 and 5-0. Created two clear cut chances. The AI created 8 including SIX in that 3-2 win I had. Is this an issue?
  14. What I said was, I like how it looks on field. Not once have I said I love the set up side. I find it disgusting.
  15. I absolutely despise this new set piece set up, the maintenance it requires is beyond belief. I'll drag this fella over here so he goes forward - but in reality he goes somewhere else and someone else appears where I thought I dragged him to! The amount of changes you need to make with set pieces when you're chasing a game as well, dear me. It's so rigid, it's absolutely horrible. I also concede a goal from a throw-in literally every game. I mean it was overpowered in FM23 but this is even worse. Thank god it's only the BETA, I pray you get it sorted out.
  16. I'm so pleased the dramatic loss of form from no where has been retained in FM24, I honestly can't enough of this "feature", thanks so much:
  17. I’m struggling with this too - I don’t have a suitable right footer in my match day side so it’s defaulting to the “next best” taker. If you change it to outswinger the corner on the right changes to outswinger too and the same rubbish take is assigned by default. Why can’t right and left corners be independent of each other? For example, an outswinger on one side and an inswinger on the other??
  18. Change their order in each section, put him at the top of arial threats and the bottom of everything else Keep playing with it, that’s what I’ve done. It’s still not perfect for me but I’m getting there. Only took 2 days solid to get to where I am now
  19. Both sides in my european classh wearing all white 😂
  20. It was also quick and simple to rearrange my set pieces after a sub, now I have to figure out all of the permutations with blockers, trackers etc after each sub. It’s so tedious man.
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