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Posts posted by here4downloads

  1. 1 minute ago, Junkhead said:

    It's not about taking a stance, it's about reflecting the current reality, which as far as Russia goes, is what has happened. I personally think it's right.

    It's the time limit and difficulty getting around it that is my personal bug bear.  I would be leaving the ban in place for the first season at least, but not until the end of time, obviously.

    Yeah, I agree with the first year. But there is no justification for permanently excluding them. It’s game breaking. 

    Thankfully I’ve got DB 22.3 saved on a USB stick pre update. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, MrGreen555 said:

    Testing other stuff at the moment.

    Its good, in all honesty though it didnt test well on a holiday test but I (and others) have had great success from it.

    Fair enough, but personally I just can’t get into this years version when the passing is so messed up, just ruins the immersion for me. I really hope it’s patched, but it’s already March and the game has been out for 5 months or so? So it’s unlikely. Gonna stick with FM21

  3. On 10/03/2022 at 20:04, MrGreen555 said:

    I must say I've created quite the dynamite possession based tactic, sometimes seeing over 70% of the ball in some games, just about game management... I go 2 up and I genuinely kill the game by passing the other team to death.

    Feel free to holla at me if you want it...

    Screenshots? What are opposing teams pass % rate on average? How many passes are they completing? 

  4. To be fair to you, you said possession in FM is calculated different to real life, so that also plays a big part. I guess that’s something I’m struggling to get my head around so might look more extreme than is actually is. 

    Are there any plans to change the way possession is calculated in FM (future editions) to make it more like real life? Thanks 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Jack Sarahs said:

    Lots of people have produced possession based tactics in FM22. In fact I would say more people have found it easier then in FM 21 so I'm really not sure what you're getting at on this point.

    On your other point pass completion you're right is currently higher then we would ideally like and if you have searched the forums you would see lots of discussion on this point especially in the bug tracker section. 


    Remember some stats are calculated differently within FM to certain stats companies. Possession is currently calculated differently for a start so it's important to provide yourself with the best information and context for when an issue arises. 

    There's also examples of certain events counting as a pass completed when in real life this wouldn't be the case which also produces the number to be higher then usual.



    Haven’t seen any possession tactics that average over 60% from my searches online, and that’s just about borderline of what I would class a possession tactic. When all teams are completing more than 3/4 of their passes in a game, it is a huge problem for creating tactics. 

    There was no need to be so defensive, I was just wondering if there was going to be a fix to this obviously huge issue? 

    Thanks anyway 

  6. 27 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    It's quite possible to create possession tactics.

    As always, it helps having a team capable of keeping possession and winning the ball back both in terms of their overall ability but also their attributes relevant to their role and system. How you set up the team will also be important. But then, these things are true for real life and any FM. :D

    Used to average 65-70% in FM21, this year average between 55-60%. Pass completion rates for average/bad teams are out of control. Most teams seem to be getting 85% + pass completion rates, this is insane, makes it too hard to create tactics.

    Will there be a fix or am I better off sticking to FM21??

  7. Hi, 

    What’s up with the inability to create possession tactics? ? Or the insane pass completion rates from all teams? I’ve been playing for a week now since moving on from FM21, but these two factors make the game almost impossible to play when you value tactics so much. Is there any plan to fix this massive issue? I really hope so or I’ll have to sit out the rest of this game unfortunately 

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