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Everything posted by Broetchenholer

  1. Yes, sure, i can understand why having 8 players slightly unhappy for 2 weeks in the club is really bad, which is why i am saying players (us, not my players) should avoid using the dialog to persuade to accept their playing time. Because despite the game claimingthey will not be unhappy, they will be.
  2. So, i am having a problem with my good players demanding a lot of playing time that i cannot give them due to the need of rotation. So, at the start of this season, i tried to reduce the playing time of all my top players, as i thought that my higher reputation should maybe be able to handle it, not pissing them off too much. I put a safepoint before i did it, so that a mechanic i had never tried would not bite me in the back and talked to my best players. As i have a lot of credit from the players, it worked with all of them: But strangely enough, the playing time is not actually set when you do that, so next thing i did was actually decreasing the playing time And expected this to work, with a happy player because we talked about this. Instead: The players eventually got over this and the conserned or slightly unhappy was remopved again, but, something else stayed. This was the reaction to being offered out before: And this is after: But of course you say, he is now promised to not play as muich, he is a less important player in the club. To this i say, do the same thing the other way around: + He didn't even want reason, and: I assumed that when they were okay with the reduction after the dialog option, i could do it. Instead, i suddenly had 8 of my most important players sightly unhappy, and suddenly everyone of them started to become unsettled. Every single one of them suddenly shifted towards wanting a move, being incredibly interested. I am not sure if this is a bug, but the idea of asking the player if he is okay with a reduction in playing time is great, it should avoid exactly that behaviour, that players get unhappy because you changed it thinking they would be okay.
  3. I have a similar problem, the money part is not problematic (yet), but that will follow now that my first player was able to demand 12m Euros/year to keep him here. My problem is with playing time. I am now a 4 1/2 star reputation club, and my players have requested contracts as 2 star players, 5 important players, 4 regular starters, 6 squad players. Every new contract goes into the same direction. Then i am stuck between resting players in the season and fullfilling their playing time, which is not fun if you have two world class strikers in a formation with two forward spots. I get that i am not yet a club that can field 2 first teams that could win my league, but i shouldn't be so far off that my players best players won't accept anything but star player contracts.
  4. Hi, is there an issue with the training of the attribute in the title? I have a great GK prospect, who seems to only have one achilles heel, which is defending crosses close to the box, where he just stays in goal and waits to get dunked on. He is developing lika madman since he arrived and i figured, training Training Rushing Out (tendency) could improve his game. then i saw this: For reference, this is how he is developing on other stats: Is that a hard set attribute, that cannot be "improved", and the description of GK Sweeping is an ui bug, or is this player not improving this attribute, at all, a bug. Punching tendency is also not moving at all, but this one cannot be trained as by the description of the traning foci. Is there any knowledge about this?
  5. So, after 6 seasons playing in 3 different leagues one of the things that bugs me the most are games against clear favourites. Like playing as the newly promoted team against Bayern. The game recognizes to some extent, that you should expect to be completely dominated, but in other aspects, it completely ignores that fact. To me, most problematic are the player ratings. If i get dominated 4:0 by Bayern and end the match with 0.3 xG and two shots on goal with a team that earns 24m p/a, i would say the players did not necessarily play bad. Yet, my players dip into 5.9 territory like in games against underdogs were we should be winning. Are they now terrible? Should i yell at them? Everytime in this scenario, i am looking at the full-time teamtalk thinking i am doing russian roulette here. "You gave it your all, well done." was what i took last time, and my 5.9 players were unhappy: So then i had to yell at them, and now they are okayish. The game does not differentiate between a player being absolutely not up for a normal challenge and being constantly overrun by a worldclass player. But the players do have different expectations for the game and will want to have them be addressed, the coach just has to guess where exactly those expectations are. If we would get more of an indicator how they themselves rate their performance, that would be great. A more minor issue are the press conferences and questions for those games, they are just awful. The most beloved question is always "why did you not take player x from the field?" That's usually a really stupid question in every interview that it is asked, when you have 5 people all at 6.0 or lower, it hurts my brain. The few questions that are somewhat addressing a strong difference in capabilities are not enough. This shows in the third league playing the fa cup against a Championsleague team and you get the same questions as playing against the favourite to win promotion in your league. Or the question why you have a negative streak against Coach XY when he has trained Bayern and you have trained a random third league team that got seeded a third time against them... It's minor things like this that make it hard to take seriously.
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