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Posts posted by Broetchenholer

  1. So, i am having a problem with my good players demanding a lot of playing time that i cannot give them due to the need of rotation. So, at the start of this season, i tried to reduce the playing time of all my top players, as i thought that my higher reputation should maybe be able to handle it, not pissing them off too much. I put a safepoint before i did it, so that a mechanic i had never tried would not bite me in the back and talked to my best players.



    As i have a lot of credit from the players, it worked with all of them:


    But strangely enough, the playing time is not actually set when you do that, so next thing i did was actually decreasing the playing time


    And expected this to work, with a happy player because we talked about this. Instead:


    The players eventually got over this  and the conserned or slightly unhappy was remopved again, but, something else stayed. This was the reaction to being offered out before:


    And this is after:


    But of course you say, he is now promised to not play as muich, he is a less important player in the club. To this i say, do the same thing the other way around:




    He didn't even want reason, and:


    I assumed that when they were okay with the reduction after the dialog option, i could do it. Instead, i suddenly had 8 of my most important players sightly unhappy, and suddenly everyone of them started to become unsettled. Every single one of them suddenly shifted towards wanting a move, being incredibly interested.

    I am not sure if this is a bug, but the idea of asking the player if he is okay with a reduction in playing time is great, it should avoid exactly that behaviour, that players get unhappy because you changed it thinking they would be okay.

  2. I have a similar problem, the money part is not problematic (yet), but that will follow now that my first player was able to demand 12m Euros/year to keep him here. My problem is with playing time. I am now a 4 1/2 star reputation club, and my players have requested contracts as 2 star players, 5 important players, 4 regular starters, 6 squad players. Every new contract goes into the same direction. Then i am stuck between resting players in the season and fullfilling their playing time, which is not fun if you have two world class strikers in a formation with two forward spots. I get that i am not yet a club that can field 2 first teams that could win my league, but i shouldn't be so far off that my players best players won't accept anything but star player contracts.

  3. Hi, is there an issue with the training of the attribute in the title? I have a great GK prospect, who seems to only have one achilles heel, which is defending crosses close to the box, where he just stays in goal and waits to get dunked on. He is developing lika madman since he arrived and i figured, training Training Rushing Out (tendency) could improve his game. then i saw this:


    For reference, this is how he is developing on other stats:


    Is that a hard set attribute, that cannot be "improved", and the description of  GK Sweeping is an ui bug, or is this player not improving this attribute, at all, a bug. Punching tendency is also not moving at all, but this one cannot be trained as by the description of the traning foci. Is there any knowledge about this?

  4. It's at the start of the season, he played no games. In the last season, he played less then squad player. I totally agree, that he should feel like getting near first time playing time. He however would not agree to anything but regular starter when he is literally the worst player in my current midfield. I guess that's the way of the game to tell me this guy wants to be regular starter somewhere, but it is stupid that this is the way they choose to do it. Why is there not a conversation with the player that he wants more playing time? Then i could say no, but i understand that you deserve it, so i will have to sell you. With the current system, i am giving a promise that i will give him a new contract with no idea whether i can fullfill this promise, because i do not know what he wants. So if he is unreasonable, i have an unhappy player that feels unfairly treated without me having a chance of avoiding it if i do not save scum.

  5. Look, i get that a player wants to be a regular player in the club. I am saying, the game needs to tell me what is really important for that player. Does he want to be payed well, or play more. If he believes he should play more, come to me and tell me you want to play more. If you want a new contract, ask for a new contract. The problem with the demand new contract dialogue is, that you never know in before what you are gonna get, you have a happy player, he comes to you and says he should have a new contract. What does that mean? Does he want more time, more money, you don't know.

  6. I am getting really tired of my players being super happy with their situation in the club, then requesting new contracts and then demanding playing times that cannot be fiulfilled. Like, i get that some people are unhappy with their playing time and want it to be set in their new contract, or basically want to get more recoginition for their club, especially if they feel like there are better options out there. But those are just annoying:




    I like him, he is developing well, i want to keep him. His agent demands regular starter and has walked away from talks when i suggested squad player. These are the players he would have to compete with for playing time:



    In what world does he believe to get regular starter playing time here? If he wants more money, i would be willing to give that. IOn my opinion, the game is terrible at communicating what the plyaer actually wants and the playign time promises are too unflexible and encompass money. They should split that into having playing time and payment/standing and have the player tell you where he sees him self. If he perceives himself as deserving regular starter playing time and important player payment, i could make that promise or not. If iam not willing to give him the playing time, i could instead offer him more wage to offset this. Currently a player says "giev star player", i say no, because i don't know if he actually wants to play every match, and everyone is sad.

  7. How do i not make the financial mistake of trying to bind my wonderkid star player to the club by offering him a new contract? He is happy here, he would love to go to a bigger club though. He is only silightly interested in negotiating a new deal. I don't need him, i have two young players that are slightly less good, but still good enough to play at the level i am at and improve. I don't need the 120-140m i wióuld get for that 20 year old and i don't have players i would sign with that money. But my man would want  ~10 million to take a new contract, which i have, and then i would still not have a guarantee to keep him long term. But, i really want to keep him.

  8. Hahahaha, for some reason, my player wants to leave the club to join a bigger club, but Juventus is not one of the clubs he is interested him, despite that being the only club that wants him. Deperately, they have made an offer for him avery few days up to 30 million + 30million in installments, basically matching his value i negotioated with him i would sell him for. But he said not interested all the time. Now it's deadline day and here is their most current offer:


    That is the most human thing i have seen the AI do in my save so far :D

  9. I am not keeping the player from speaking to that club. The release clause means i cannot turn an offer down, and i am not saying that i want this. I am saying i want to talk to the player and convice him to stay, iand why would that not be what the game would want? Let's say i have a perfectly happy player at my club, his release clause is met, he is kind of unsure whether this is the right move, and he would be willing to talk about it. Let's say more money would keep him at the club. So, if i could talk to him about taking the oiffer of the other club, he could effectively leverage a raise out of that. Or more playing time, or a promise to reach champions league, whatever. If he wants to leave anyway and his mind is set, he will tell me that he does not care for all of that and he just wants to play for "insert other club here".

  10. Can someone explain this loan contract?


    So, the Czech team that finished 9th in the league got a ridiculous regen, whom they are giving a professional contract with a minimum release clause of 5,75M€. This prospect is probably good enough to directly be a star player in their team, because now, 1 1/2 year after they got him, at the age of 16 1/2, this is him:


    So, being a midtable czech team, they decide to loan him out with 15, to Slavia Prague, they get less money then they are paying him as wage, and he has an optional future fee of.... 30k. Did the AI misclick? What is going on?

  11. So, this is exactly what i am talking about. 1 week later, my arguably better CB gets an offer from Juve. It does not hit the release clause, and he might become unsettled if he is not allowed to talk to Juve. So i try to persuade him, it's straight forward, he says he wants to move there because they are in the champions league, i am using convince "!work hard so we qualify ourselves" and as we are second place in the Bundesliga with 6 points difference to the third, he agrees to stay. Why is that not allowed if the release clause is met?

  12. Why is it not possible to talk yyour player out of a move when his release clause is met? I don't expect it to be easy to talk them out of a move, but currently there is nothing i can do to even try. It feels incredibly stupid when this player:


    moves in the winter break from 2nd place Bundesliga to 13th place Premier League without current european football, despite interest shown by 3rd (ManCity) 4th and 5th poistion premier league teams, 3 of them currently in the champions cup. But the only thing i can talk to him about is to make a faster decision. He had a player unhappyness (minor- wants to leave to everton) which my captain talked him out of. I get that he felt the club was not as big as it could be, i even get that he might feel Everton is bigger than me, i am just questioning why this is the only time i cannot talk to a player to keep him at the club.

    Also, RAGE! EVERTON?!?!?!?! We lost two games this season so far and my players want to leave to everton???

  13. What would you do with this player?


    I saw him with a relaease clause of 32 mil and immediately bought him, he looks ridiculously good. However, now that i think about it more, i am kinda clueless. I got a bit blinded by how well rounded he is. On Left back, where i first wanted to put him, he is rated only 3 stars despite having the best mental and technical values i ever saw affordable to me. He is not extremely fast and not his stamina is a bit low for the position, but apart from that, i had expected him to blow my other defenders more out of the water. I will have to move my current important player LB, those two can not coexist.

    Then i thought, this guy can come in for my DM, who will probably leave for a "bigger club". But the more i think about it, this guy is so ridiculously talented offensively, DM wastes his potential, it needs like 5 stats. But putting him on offensive positions, the game immediately downgrades his rating. I think he still might be a really good box top box or BWM in CM, but i am not sure.

     I will now train his speed, and see how the transfer period goes, but opinions would be wlcome :)

  14. He became unhappy at the end of last season. So it's probably turning 23. Interesting, I don't think that is a very good solution by the game, but it's really good to know. It makes some sense for players being far off their potential ability at 23 to consider them not able to ever reach their potential, but a player that is clearly developing and misses half a star at 23 does not match that. Anyway, it also means coaches that relie on selling players to make enough money need to do that before the age of 23. 😁 

  15. So, this is my current captain and DM Asi Biton:


    I love him, despite him having developed dislikes mig matches and fairly inconstent performer that he developed in the last two years. He has improved like a madmen since he joined me and now he finally starts to reach a limit, maybe. But he wants to leave as we are not playing in european football this season, after the club overperformed ridiculously the season before. This is his current value:



    His release clause is 90 million though, and the reason for that is that this was his value for the last 5 years, up until 2 months before:


    What exactly happened? He is wanted by a lot of clubs, why did his value halve suddenly? is 23 a magic age that will remove "potential" from a players value?

  16. I get that, i am the same, not a football fan, just a managing fan, and the stars have been useful to me, in the way i thought they worked. I have no problem with them being at 2 youth stars for your left winger that has to learn right winger and i have no problem with your left winger in the end being half a star worse playing at the right side of the field. That's completely fine, because the game explains that players need to train on positions to be good at them and strength of their feet is relevant to how good they can play their positions. However, if my midfielders or central my central midfielders would all be in a seperate pool of star ratings, that would not only be a really stupid design decision, it would also not be what i experienced so far. Last season i (was forced to) switch(ed) my best striker out and got a cm in instead. Both players were rated 4 1/2 stars. Neither my strikers, nor my midfielders significantly changed in their star rating. I still had all my strikers that were left at 3 stars and less, and my midfielders did not significantly move down. And my goal keepers have for a long time been 3 stars or less, even though they are constantly growing, but i never experienced one of them suddenly get ca stars when i sold the better one. I am not saying ca stars are more then a guideline to quickly see how strong your current lineup or a scouted player is, i am just saying i haven't seen players be judged only against the players that can play his position.

  17. On 05/06/2022 at 19:39, enigmatic said:

    Did you read my answer?

    If so, maybe you could consider the possibility that if your best right back is both 5* potential and League One potential and your right winger is 4.5* and Championship potential, it might be because the right wingers at your club generally have more potential than your right backs.


    Or you could copy/past the same question for a third time and be rude to the next person to try to explain why, I guess. Your call.

    One question because this is the second time i have seen that brought up, the ca stars are relative to your own players. The way i understood is so far, the game builds an average ability of all of your players in their best roles, takes that as 2 1/2 - 3 stars and puts all of your players on the range from 0 to 5 depending on how much better or worse to your average they are. This can't obviously not be true, because the ratings of the first team are significantly above "average", so at least, the scale is shifted a bit and is not a true average, but in theory it's fine. However, some people have mentioned, that the rating is not actually relative to all players in your team, but all players in a position of your team. So, all players of a position or area of the pitch have their own rating system and if my (star wise) best player in midfield would have no impact on the rating of my goalkeepers. If that were the case, why would my best keeper be 2 1/2 stars?


    If your stars are relative at all, they have to be relative to something somewhat fixed, whether that is the ca of your best player or the average of all of them. If every star rating is relative to a different point depending on what position the player is playing, they lose every and all meaning. Your worst player attribute wise could show as your best player, because he is the only player in your whole club that could play that position. What am i missing here?

  18. Hi guys, i feel like i start to understand potential and ratings for field players well enough now, but looking at goalies, i am still mostly clueless. I currently have 3 goalkeepers and i have no idea how to rate them, how to sort them. Obviously, i can tell which has better stats right now, but as all 3 of them are young regens and have potential, i am not sure how i should prioritize their playing time and development. First general question, do goalies develop more then field players? They take longer to reach their potential, or peaking, as the game puts it, but i have mostly seen regens with lower/equal stats compared to field players, so i would assume that they develop more, but is this assumption correct?

    Second, here are my 3 current goalies, in order of age, for my hopefully european competition playing german team:


    1) Marc Popow:


    I like Marc, but he seems to bepretty much capped and according to my advisors, he is kinda meh for the Bundesliga. His potential is pretty much capped, but i feel he has his attributes in all the right places. Still feel like he is not overperforming in the league.

    2) Stefan Lazarevic


    Stefan seemed to be the clear favourite before, but he has not developed very much since he joined, not playing enough matches probably, He looks less well rounded but i have no idea how important that is. He still has potential and if he were to develop a solid +2 in the stats that would matter, he would be great.

    3) Christian Martinez


    Christian is currently on loan at 1860 München, not keeping them from relegation. But he is developing pretty well and he has the potential. His mentals look meh, but he is 19. For reference, this is my star player that pushes all star ratings down:


    None of the three have bad traits in the coach reports. I would like to play Marc and Stefan about 60/40 and keep Christian on Loan as a second league first goalie, but is that wise? Oh, and also, is their a way to set field player playing times for goal keepers? Marc wanted to have important player at some point, but i can give them squad player for example.

  19. 4 hours ago, Draakon said:

    Depends on your squad - perhaps it's too big?

    In my save there's 34 league games (Eredivisie), 6 Champions League group stage matches, cup games and European knockout stages, when I'm successful enough. In a regular season 40-45 games, in a successful season perhaps 45-50.

    I believe that I rotate a lot. At least I try to rotate a lot, to keep players fit and give chances to youngsters as well, but almost all my key players (4-5 leaders on the pitch in several areas) play 30+ games. So, in that regard 10 starts in the first half of the season seems definitely too low for a star player.

    I try to balance my game time so that first team players get at least 20 starts (let's say that I have two equal players in one position, it means they both get fairly equal amount of starts) and even fringe players or breakthrough prospects get around 10 starts in the season (cup games help a lot in that regard). Obviously injuries, suspensions and occasional international duties force my hand sometimes and make the task of selection easier.

    This sort of game time distribution is a challenge when you have more than 25 players, though.

    My squad is not too big, i simply have too many players on high playing time promises. I am not very good at scouting and i am really bad at finding meh players to fill up my roster. THe players i got were usually wonderkids from sniping everyone on the top50 NxGn list that was not at a bigger club, and those players only joined when they were promised to be important players or higher. This became already problematic before i had 8 2 match weeks in  row, now it's really hurting me :) Fortunately young prospect signings are now more then happy to start as breakthrough prospects or fringe players for me, i will just have to try to survive this season with my super tired core of players, without all of them hating me for not playing them enough. THe first season in european competitions is always the hardest i suppose, because of the additional playing time and your team not being build around the additional games :)

  20. It sounds wrong to have your players start and sub them off after 45 minutes, but it could save my bacon, so thanks for that tip. I am having a lot of problems with playing time as well, i would prefer not to have 3 star players and 3 important players, the problem is that my wage structure is still very low for Bundesliga. Fo a while the only good signings i was able to do, where wonderkids from the balkans or north south america. They wanted to play for me only with super high playing time promises, as my club was 2te Bundesliga or projected relegation candidate for 2te Bundesliga and people were too good for the club. So now, i am sporting 3 players on 1.3 to 2m€/y contracts worth 80 million, and finally new players coming in recognize they won't immediately be stars in this team. But i also can't get the old (20-21 year) guard to accept less playing time either :D I am also not really into making all the moneys, i want my team to start growing older now. But i guess the problem will solve itself within a year or two, as i won't be able to keep them here anyway.

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