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    North Carolina Tar Heels

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  1. I've deleted cache and preferences, deleted graphics/skins, tried another country (but using the db) and it still doesn't work. So it must be an issue with the DB.
  2. As you can see, all eight tiers of my usa pyramid verifies in the editor and i have tested up to 2100 with no issues. I can also load up the database as seen in the pictures. It loads half way then crashes and I'm not sure how to fix it -- or what the issue is. Any help would be gratefully appreciated!!
  3. I have verified all the rules etc for NCAA DII but when I load the game it still crashes. Does anyone mind testing it out to see if it happens for anyone else? I can message you the link to the file, all you need to do is load up the DB and tell me if it crashes or not.
  4. Good Morning. I have finished creating the rules for the NCAA D2 and am just working out some small kinks that seem to be popping up in the editor. Still no exact release date, but NCAA D2 will probably be the first release instead of the NFHS. Still alot to do regarding High School teams, but they will be sorted for the release of FM23 along with NCAA 3. I wanted to thank everyone for their patience. If there wasn't so much interest and demand for this database I probably wouldn't have stuck at it for so long. Next year, for FM23, I will definitely be more organised!
  5. Does anyone know how to fix this? I fixed it before but can't remember what I did...
  6. Good Morning! It's 4 am here in Hermosa Beach, but after a few days off from editing I am now back and hoping to get the last of the HS teams finished. It'll be very close, whether or not we get a file released for FM22, but it will definitely be ready for FM23. This is a very big protect after all and I am grateful for the patience as I know alot of you are excited for the release.
  7. I'm still getting a crash when I load up the database, which is frustrating me to no end. If anyone wants to try and help me fix the issue that I can't seem to find, feel free to drop me a message and I'll send over the file.
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