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Everything posted by HyperSimp

  1. In the middle of the season I promised to offer a new contract to Sam, Now HE will not go into contract negotiations with me no matter what.
  2. Please make it so I can just click player or teams in the scatter graphs in the data hub. I want to be able to click the dots in a scatter graph and the game showing me that team or player page. This would make the Data hub a lot more intuitive and useful. to
  3. I cannot believe this is still not a thing, but why can I not just click one of the dots in the data hub to be directed to the player's page? This just seems super counter intuitive.
  4. Joined the live draw for the Nathaniel MG cup and the name for the host is displayed as male#1. I am playing with Cefn Druids in wales and this is the first season.
  5. Creating and assignment and selecting a tactic from the fits tactic dropdown the "Any" map does not disappear and you can still click the positions.
  6. After accepting a job as head coach for turkey under 21s the appointment announcement was empty. I just created the save as unemployed and this is the first job I accept.
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