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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Hello FM community, The issue/bug is quite simple: In this load, the board have allocated / distributed 1.48K Euros and 7.52 Million Euros for Payroll. For some reason, these amounts are not adjustable at the time. (i.e. I cannot move the bar to make some of that payroll amount into transfer budget) I try to work with what I am given, even though no explanation is really offered. I proceed to look for a loan option. If the logic of the payroll budget stands, I should be able to offer a loan to any player of a salary lower or equal to 7.52 Million Euros p/a I identify a loan option; the player's salary is 2.09 p/a Million Euros Even though 7.52 > 2.09 I am not allowed to offer more than 40% of the salary which is roughly 836K p/a Loaning team, obviously rejects the offer. The board does not provide an explanation of why only 40% is allowed Am I missing something?
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