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Posts posted by itiadeadrian

  1. 14 hours ago, themodelcitizen said:

    You can do that match scheduling thing (it's a stage flag I think) but i think it's broken as it won't respect your offset dates.

    I have a 48 team world cup file in the download section with a similar format, check it out if you're still struggling. Sounds like an issue with "next round for winner"

    Yeah the issue was next round for winner, my brain just assumend they meant stages so despite staring at blantly wrong values it didn't click

    How do you test and verify files? I followed the instructions on the forum post about extracting international competitions and I deleted the lines they said to but now when I want to test the rules it says there's no division and I don't know what to do since it's grayed out

  2. On 07/12/2022 at 07:46, vassilispyrgos said:

    Hello my friend

    I want to ask you something

    I use a file in FM22 which increases the teams from 32 to 40 teams in WC 2026 and onwards. But the first two teams only proceed.. I want to create a round of 24 teams which the first two teams plus the 3rd teams from each group will play together..

    Is it easy to create or will it mess up?

    This is my first time ever using the editor so I'm not sure if I best person to ask, but figuring it out with stuff from the forum shouldn't be too hard, its just very annoying because everything is hands on and manual and it's easy to miss why something isn't working

  3. So because I only took the 48 team rules and I've only been working in the editor, haven't created an actual fmf file my tests don't create a 2022 event, don't know how I going to merge it back

    And thanks my mind was reading round as stage and since I was going of the original the round values were higher than they should have been and i didn't see an issue because i thought it was using sub stage to extrapolate

    But yeah I've run 5 sims with 2020,2030 and 2034 and Spain's hosted all the 2030s but 2034 was Japan and Korea twice and China and Australia once, I didn't personally setup any hosting order so I guess it's random-ish

    *Did a run to 2050 and got Spain, China, South Africa, France, Japan, Brazil

    **Ran another to 2090 and got Spain, Japan, South Africa, Germany, Korea, Brazil, England, USA, China, Germany, South Africa, Japan, France, Brazil, Korea, Germany

    I don't know if I'd call this random and I find it upsetting but seeing as I don't want to personally pick the host I'll leave it like this unless you have a suggestion of how I can increase the range of nations


  4. Hi, 

    That looks super awesome.
    I'm presently also trying to do something like this and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?

    Are you using the 48 team version rules as a base and editing from there?

    If so how are you managing to get your knockout rounds to work
    At present mine generates the quarters and then goes straight to the final no semis. Progessing from Stage to stage works but the rounds in the cup stage are a real issue. I've got team mapping and cup tie mapping and the dates all set up and on the test pages it does generate rows for the games but they have no entries

    Also did you setup up the 2nd groups stage to form its groups in any particular order i.e. presetting what group and position in the previous stage goes into which group in the next stage? would you be ok telling me how you managed that 

    Any help that you could give would be really appreciated

    Thank you for your time

  5. Hi,

    Thank You so much for responding

    The fixture issue is fixed

    I got the rules by following the instructions in that link you added

    The requirements thing causes failure since I think once qualification is achieved it wants to slot the team into the next round, so I didn't use that and it works ok for moving to the second round and it also wasn't set up in the cup stage initially.
    The two things that aren't working rn are that

    A) it insists on scheduling the opening game as a second round group Aon the Sunday before it kicks off despite the fact that I used the dates that were there by default to set everything up and the initial date was Thursday the 11th of June. I feel this happens because the opening game is usually a group A game and World Cups start on sundays but letter groups were in the 2nd round in 82, thats what I followed and I'm praying you have a solution that doesn't involve me renaming all the groups. When you check the matches it actually plays the game after the initial group stage ends but it essentially pulls all the Group A games into happening 2 days early



    B) The Quaterfinals simply don't exist for some reason


    They don't feature in the schedule or match list or anything from the test, but I've got their dates and their match mappings setup and Qualification from the groups is also set in the rules



    Ok so I've got the Quaters to show up, referencing the default format you have to say the number of teams joining the first cup round and then set number entering the next round to 0

    However now the Semi Finals and Third Place don't generate in the schedule even tho they show in the side menu



    I've also got 2 more queries tho not necessarily vital if they can't be done

    Is it possible for me to predetermine the groups in the second stage via team mappings, for example Group A would be Group 1 winner and second place from Groups 3 and 6

    And even less important, in this stage while there was a predetermined match order if the first game was won then the winner would have their second game take place last both as a reward and to avoid anybody having to play a dead rubber match or the group being decided early, I wan't to know if it's possible to replicate but if not or if too complex then I don't mind not having it


    Thank you again for your help

  6. I'm trying to edit the 48 team World Cup option to take on a format that uses 12 groups of 4 in the first round (2 advance), followed by 8 groups of 3 in the second round that leads to the quarters based on Spain 82. I've just started using the editor yesterday and it's not necessarily going to plan so maybe I maybe missing some things and would appreciate any help 

    In the editor I've got 3 stages s etup; 2 in a group format and one in a cup


    I've edited the Stage 0 appropriately


    As is Stage 1


    I've also got the knockout stages prepped and mad sure that teams can move and are added in each round


    There was a period of time when I was testing the competitions and I didn't know how to add teams to my new stage even though I thought I had done it but was receiving a message that said "0 teams found for stage 1" so I while looking through I saw the fixture dates section and figured it wasn't finding teams because there where no games for the previous stage since the stuff there didn't match so I manually inputed the new schedule


    Currently the error I get from testing is "The number of dates set in stage 8 of the competition is 0 but should be equal to 3" which is bizarre since I've but in all the fixtures myself 

    Under the test when you check the schedule there's only the semi finals upwards and 7 group matchdays for which one of the dates doesn't match any of my entries and the other 6 line up with a few of the second round games despite the fact that the group names dont match up


    I saw somewhere in the forum that you have to use a Fixed format but when I try that the World Cup doesn't show up in tests so I moved back to fexible

    Can anyone please let me know what I'm doing wrong. 

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