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Mr. McGibblets

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Everything posted by Mr. McGibblets

  1. Awesome cheers. Allow me to return the favour; you know the super secret way to never lose a match?? Just score more goals than the other team.
  2. I received a one game touchline ban for calling the officials a bunch of w***kers. I was allowed to go through all the pre-match tactical meetings and team selection process and set my line ups and set pieces and everything. Click 'go to match' or whatever it says and the game informs me that I have a touchline ban and will not be able to make any tactical changes after the game processes. Once the match starts my Ass Man has changed my entire line up, playing all the players I was specifically resting for my Champions League match coming up in 3 days time. Is there a way to prevent one's Ass Man from making changes to the lineup in a situation like this?? And, if not, what is the point in allowing me to go through the pre-match stuff and set things up the way I want them to be if my Ass Man is just going to instantly change them?? Seems broken...
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