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Everything posted by Feron

  1. hello, unfortunately I had continued with my save, but it is very simple, when the loan manager accepts "loan approaches" from other clubs, he simply doesn't take the following things into consideration: 1. The settings of the developing list 2. the fact that this player actively was "offered to clubs" with the condition of "regular starter" one day prior to the approach - which then actually triggered the offering club's approach So it would be great if you could establish that link - especially the development list should rule over the loan manager's personal opinion
  2. happened twice for me today. with my U19 in "staff responsibilities" I am in charge of "finding development loans for young players" (not my loan manager). And for the U19, I am in charge of finalising signings and sales (negotiations are for my DoF)
  3. Hello, I am interested in your opinion on this. On first sight the new world map looks nice and all, but I find it very hard now to identify the countries I am lacking knowledge of and then checking the progress. some of the reasons are: in the "regions view" you won't see the countries you have no knowledge of within a region - it is just on average. When clicking on Nations you technically can see them, but my geographical knowledge of our planet is not perfect (...) and you cannot hover over nations with your mouse or anything like that. Then, in the list on the left you won't see the countries of no knowledge. But what baffled me is that you cannot even sort it by alphabet. There are so many countries I want to have knowledge of that it would take very long to A) think of them in the first place and B.) search for them in a non-alphabetical list. I have to say FM23 really doesnt make things easy for the manager. But why would SI not make it more user-friendly? I mean, it doesnt mean I am a better football manager when I spend hours in this screen, having an Atlas or google maps on the side and of course it is no fun at all, so why not give us more comfort here? On a different note, I have noticed that when you are searching for players in "players in range" in the scouting section, you'll find every player, regardless of your knowledge of the world. Meaning if your data base is 110k players, you will find 110k players there (depending on your search criteria). However, when you search for staff, your search results will be limited by your "knowledge of the world" (at least this is how it was in FM22 when I tested it). So my question is: Does this make sense? And secondly, wouldnt it be more exciting if you weren't able to find players you have no knowledge of?
  4. as described, all positions in my team are now covered double again with a substitute for each position. before there was a team meeting where I told them I'd find a replacement and everyone seemed happy with this announcement. But yet, so many weeks later, they still have this bad player reaction where they support their teammate in his complaint. What possibly can a manager do to get rid of this? hire a second substitute even? Thank you.
  5. thanks for your reply! the problem eventually resolved itself after a long while after I hired a new loan manager myself (after firing the old one) and probably did some other things to try and trigger the fix.
  6. Situation: I have complete control over staff hiring (nothing is delegated to my staff). We are a Bundesliga Club that has 1 spot for a loan manager. Regardless of wether this spot is taken or not, the DOF will constantly try to hire a new loan manager which then always gets blocked by the board as they "feel the club doesnt need another loan manager". a.) The DOF shouldnt try in the first place as I have complete control over all staff hiring and contracts for all teams. b.) even after I fired our loan manager so that the board wouldn't block the transfer every time (to try and break through this never ending cycle), the board kept blocking every transfer! Note: the one spot for loan manager here is now vacant in the staff section (0/1) and yet they block it. I don't know what to do in order to "save" my save. It feels so "unimmersive" and buggy that this keeps happening, so I'd be grateful if you could give me a tipp on how to fix this.
  7. having a world map is nice but how are you supposed to complete your world knowledge? Even FM22 made that so much easier. Nations: on the map you can see where there are grey areas left, but you cannot click or hover over them on them - I am sorry but I do not know the whole world map by heart... So I thought alright lets head over to the list on the left, but you cannot even sort it by alphabet and of course there you don't see the grey gaps. Please at least let us sort it by alphabet! This is a game and nobody wants to spend hours puzzling the world together. Regions: since the regions have the same color (no matter if e.g. Italy in the middle is completely grey), it is useless if your goal is to cover the whole world and hire missing scouts.
  8. let's say I tell my ball-playing defender with passing 11 or 12 to improve his passing skill. Then after a very short while my staff will tell me to stop that individual training because passing isn't a weakness in his game, even though most of his other key attributes are much stronger. (remark: I made sure my staff has decent skill so they should be able to make that judgement) aside from that it isn't true, who said that individual training is only for weaknesses? Why is it not allowed to improve key-attributes, like crossing for a WB who has crossing 11? Another example is that players constantly complain about individual training - not just because they are too lazy - they say it is not beneficial. A: how can they know this after a couple weeks? But yet they are unhappy. B: this whole system doesn't feel good because when you get such a message later after a couple months, you are torn - for example when this attribute is absolutely crucial for the player role. and I found that so often times the players were wrong - but then ... who knows again: maybe the small progress just came through normal training and the individual training indeed is not beneficial? My point is, we are not actually watching the training, we are just playing a game. And the system as it is right now just doesnt feel good!
  9. interesting, I didnt know that such a table existed. but I am not so sure if they actually do something in the game (such as "judging staff ability" 2 for a physio?) But thanks, very interesting. I am still not sure at all what a Physio actually does - the internet says different things wherever you go. Guide to FM for example says physios actively reduce injury times and the likelihood of getting injured whereas other pages like fminside say the Sports scientist reduces this likelihood but only by INFORMING the manager about the risks and fatigue etc. not by actually reducing the risk (?) Would be great to know what which staff member actually does in the game. Recruitment Analyst for example, what actually will change in my game if I have one with 10 or with 20? I honestly dont know.
  10. I heard that "fitness" is an important attribute which the game doesn't highlight - but of course it makes sense. But speaking of making sense, things like "motivating" and "discipline" etc. would be very important too for a real-life physio, maybe even people management. Does anybody know if the game even takes such things into consideration somehow? On the Physio note, Does anybody know if physios are just there to give you accurate estimations about injury periods or do they actually shorten these periods when they have high attributes? Also, my understanding is that they have nothing to do with "player fatigue" despite in real life they should - in FM this is completely covered by sports scientists? Thanks!
  11. I have a started scouting many players which means most of them are "on hold" and unfortunately it is NOT possible to cancel them - nothing happens when I press "report/cancel assignment" nor when I press on that "cancel assignment" button in the bottom right corner (regardless if I do it for many at once or for one individually). Needless to mention the other problem that it seems impossible to re-assign players to other scouts etc. when they are in progress (for example when they are on hold anyway and other scouts are idle!). So it isn't even possible to cancel the asssignments and re-assign them this way. it all feels so clunky and you don't have any control over anything
  12. how often have I set one side and then wished there was a way to just mirror this selection over to the other side, while keeping the same settings - only having them mirror-inverted in terms of players
  13. here is an example that I currently have: I have started scouting a large number of players for only a few weeks to see who of these might have potential - to then narrow in on those. Since the pool of players is so large, most of them are "on hold" now, of course. So they will be worked off in batches. Problem is, to make progress faster, I hired 2 more scouts. So I then went to "scout priorities" in order to assign them to some of the players that are on hold. It is not possible though! you can only cancel the assignments first, which means those many players will disappear and hard to find again unless I put them all on a separate list first. Why is it not possible to re-allocate scouting orders? And what would even be better: If there was an "automatic reassignment button" that evaluates the situation new - possible even facturing in that my new scouts are south american and have more knowledge there etc. Thanks!!
  14. Since FM23 is basically FM22 in its core, most of old truths may still hold true, I am afraid. following these findings, you probably could even use following schedule and still be effective - or allegedly max. effective even: I personally do the best of both worlds now, meaning that I keep these crazy findings in mind and definitely put in less effort than I used to do before, when I was trying to read all descriptions very carefully and have the perfect distribution, because chances are I'd be wasting my time (which I did in the past with hundreds of wasted hours) but I definitely have way more variety in my schedules than what Max has in its video. Also, I am not using "ball distribution" at all anymore as chances are its still doing absolutely zero and I don't want to take that risk.
  15. I found a German page that basically distinguishes between defensive players and offensive players who then each get an opposite effect from team mentality: more defensive mentality: the defensive players will play more vertically to reduce pressure (well played this will open up counter play, in worst case it just carries the ball away for safety reasons). the offensive players play shorter passes to reduce unnecessary possession losses. more offensive mentality: the defensive players circulate the ball more whereas the offensive players will take more risks and play more vertically source: https://fm.zweierkette.de/taktik/fm-passspiel-kurz-vertikal/
  16. the thing is, the game says in the description of "passing directness" that the settings are "compared to the style generally adopted by the team's current mentality" ("shorter", "more direct", etc. they all are relative to the mentality) So it seems that this whole thing completely evolves around the team mentality - and the mentality isn't just one of many factors, it is the central point. So it is a little frustrating that it is so hard to interpret it clearly - even here in this forum with people who know much more about this game than the average player. For example, I was hoping to find out things like the following: Let's say my selected mentality is "attacking" which means that if I now put the passing directness on "shorter", it still will be much more direct than if the mentality was set to "defensive" and "shorter" (= the more offensive mentality, the more direct the passing) But apparently it even might just as well be the opposite... who knows. By the way, the description of the "attacking mentality" says "employing a fast tempo and more direct passing". However, the other mentalities' texts are not that clear, making it impossible to establish a clear statement like "the more attacking, the more direct".
  17. Hello, I know that the mentality has an impact on most things, but when it comes to passing directness: Could you generally say that going up from defensive mentality to "very attacking", the passing directness will be longer? I mean it makes sense in some ways: taking more risks to get the ball into the opponent's box more quickly. However I am not sure because stronger and more confident teams would use their technique to do shorter passes and stay on the ball whereas very defensive teams would park the bus and then try their luck with very long passes rather than endangering their own box by doing Tiki Taka passes.
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