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Everything posted by typ2603

  1. Anyone have any ideas on how to realistically add Sir Jim Ratcliffe as owner for United using the editor? Tried simply adding him as owner, removing the Glazers (leeches), but finances become way off - had a -138m balance end of season 1 with barely any transfer budget - any ideas?
  2. I am trying to "re-create" Sir Jim Ratcliffe taking over Man United by just deleting the Glazers and moving Ratcliffe from Nice to United as the sole owner. However, doing this causes the finances to get mucked up in the subsequent seasons (negative balance & quite low transfer budgets for Man United (c.30m in 2024/25)) Does anyone know the reason why this happens/what the best way to go about "recreating" Sir Jim Ratcliffe as owner of Man United? Thanks in advance - LUHG.
  3. You could potentially try the winger role, but using players with the "cut inside" trait + are playing on their opposite side (i.e. RW is a left footer etc.) - heard it helps, but yet to try it out myself.
  4. How would you actually add impetus in your team in this game then? Going by your book, is the primary way through substitutions with different types of players/who have different traits?
  5. Ah fair, nice one pal. Misconception on my part re AP, time to watch a few games between the two!
  6. If an AP support and Mez on attack is the best combo on the game, what is the reasoning behind using a RPM? Is it because you want someone dropping in a bit and driving forward versus an AP support which may be more static, higher up the pitch?
  7. The whole point is that people in this thread have comfort that what is being outlined here will be fixed when you do release an update. However, you don't seem to do changelists so how do people on this thread have comfort that the countless issues they've taken the time to identify will be fixed? Regards.
  8. What is the update on these sorts of issues? I believe we were told, by SI, to trawl through all the bug tracker posts (instead of receiving a change list) to find the ones we were interested in so that we can find out what SI's response was? Don't seem to see any update from SI on this post since 03/11 when you have customers above taking the time and effort to upload and describe the prevalent issues throughout your game. Any update would be good, otherwise I will look to trawl through 5/6 pages in 1 week again to see if SI have addressed anything. Regards.
  9. The hours some people probably spent logging and testing for you was fruitful then, shambles!
  10. What are the go to nations/leagues to ensure are loaded prior to starting a game to get majority of hidden gems? Any particular countries?
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