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Posts posted by awboddy1

  1. This has been answered before by SI.  The money is moved to a separate fund  outside the club but it is available for reinvesting in the club and will appear as “investments” if you need it.  No, you don’t get income (or losses) from investments, but then you also don’t get income from the billion+ sitting in the club balance and it’s not likely someone just stuffed it under their mattress.

  2. While I applaud the effort it’s unfortunate that the person making the video doesn’t really understand experimental design or the mathematics involved.  At the sample size used a single training session would have to have an impact on the win percentage of substantially more than 5% to be noticeable. Other issues include failure to have a proper control … each training has both positive and negative effects and if you worsen the condition and increase fatigue of the trained team you are not measuring only the supposed positive effect.  Setting all player attributes to 15 is unrealistic and will tend to minimize the impact of training.  Finally, increasing the sample size in the one case where there appeared to be an effect is a classic mistake that creates a biased estimate … you never change sample size based on results.

    Other more realistic and rigorous experiments have verified that match preparation is effective in increasing team performance.  I would definitely recommend attacking movement and defensive shape be done in the 7 days before every game as these provide the most gains.

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