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Everything posted by MuVortez

  1. Hey, so I can answer the "Peak current/potential ability" question, this is unused in relation to the game itself it states what the players HAVE been in previous games. There's another forum post here,
  2. Hey thanks, I have seems to be half working first few seasons sort of sees a lot of youth, I'll simulate a couple of decades and see. I found a professional status field but its to set how long they stay as a certain status AFTER being relegated not that they MUST be Professional to be promoted. SO I guess if I use this feild on my lowest 'PRO' league then they can go down the status' after a time.
  3. Does anyone have any advice on how to force a league to accept professional clubs only in advanced rules? I'm rebuilding my Pro Era league for Northern Ireland, I've managed to force stadium ad facilities rules but I can't seem to state club status requirements. Cheers in advance
  4. Rightio so, I have figured it out. Club rules top League rules so while the league might force a star player to be full time a club might override that to be what it dictates. What I've done with my Northern Irish league now is Make the division rules be correct by setting all club rules to the '-' dash option. This seems to mean they inherit from the league themselves. I think this will solve the issue you were having. (Yes I appreciate this was 2 years ago but thought I would post anyway as I had made a league be all professional but they were still singing part time star players and I need to figure out a fix, so if this helps someone else then perfect!
  5. I think I have found the issue, I was having a similar problem with my Norther Ireland 'Professional' league I created. Even though team were Professional they were still contracting players in Part Time. Although the leagues are set to have full time contract, the clubs themselves also have contract rules and it looks like this was driving that. So I have updated all my top flight teams to be full time and am running a test on it this weekend to see what happens.
  6. After a few years away while the kids get a bit older and I get a bit more time on my hands I am pleased to be back with my NI extended league. I previously made robust system for 2014 and 2017 (and a half r'sd attempt at 2019 that I never really finished.) NI pyramid down to level 22 although that is mostly single leagues for the most part from level 14 downwards. There has been a LOT of change in lower leagues due to the pandemic teams completely gone, even some leagues have disappeared, although I see reference to them in some places I have not been able to find any information for some since 2020. Even my old resource websites I was able to get the best league information from have folded. thankfully a lot of team rely on facebook and there are some great teams giving great coverage to themselves and by proxy to other teams as well so I have been able to get a good solid bit of information from there. Huge caveats - There is some artistic license in this structure. NI pyramid system does not exist below level 3 there is some meritocracy based if a team need to replace a team in the PIL they can come up from one of the 4 main sub divisions that are roughly based around region lines with the NAFL, Mid-Ulster, Ballymena and Intermediate leagues. I have used there 4 pillars as my main approach then attaching other leagues as to their proximity to those region. I had some difficulty with playoff's into sub divisions when I hit level 14 so had to take the decision to have some Antrim/Belfast based leagues feed into each other which is why we have ended up down to level 22 with Belfast and District league feeding into the Down Are Winter League. ideally these would have been separate and fed into the NAFL at the same time but I was unable to manipulate the editor to do this. The other slightly annoying thing was that i have had to drop the regional based cups such as the County Antrim Shield and Mid Ulster cup and North Western Cup. This was for 2 main reasons, these cups are based on regionally based teams at the top level, so I was unable to allow for promoted teams to enter into the cups. Additionally I was unable to pick individual teams (as I have done previously) so I have made the decision to remove these. We do still have the main cups for the system, along with additional leagues cups per individual league, the IFA Junior cup for all lower 'junior' teams, Steel and Sons and Steel and Sons Intermediate cups so there is plenty of cup action on offer. Testing - I've ran pre game editor testing 200 year into the future and no errors I've ran an in game simulation 20 years into the future and again no issues and nice and smooth. Some interesting attendances in some cases but I think some team made it into cup finals so have larger 'highest' attendance' than expected due to this Where to download - I've attached the file here but it is also available on Steam (Update - I have updated for Premier Intermediate League to have 12 teams as as of next season it will but I hadn't allowed for that)
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