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15 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    AS Nancy Lorraine

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  1. Hi everyone, Although the game is improved every time with little new features, there is one aspect that I personally miss every year and that I regret when I play the game. It's a small detail, which should probably be easy to incorporate, and which would make the game even more enjoyable: a map for each league. In Football Manager I like to discover new countries and try out new challenges in different leagues. Often, I don't know much about those leagues and the clubs that play in them. For example, I often don't know where the cities of the clubs are located. That's why I think it would be great to include a map showing the location of each club for each division/competition. This would make it even easier to realise that certain clubs are located nearby, and that there will probably be more at stake against this or that team. It would also give you a better idea of the League, cities and the countries selected. Maps of the major leagues are often fairly easy to find online (often very easy to find on Wikipedia, if we take the Premier League as an example), but more difficult for smaller leagues and countries. It would be great if this little innovation could be incorporated into the next opus. Was this idea already discussed here and would it appeal to other managers? BruunsIX
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