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Everything posted by GaryCook

  1. I think the reason, training feedback like this is such a bad system, the way it is implemented, is because they have to code a similar system for the AI to use. It is so poor right now It shouldn't even be in the game in my opinion. Not fun or intuitive at all.
  2. I do all kinds of coding. Python, JS, CSS, C++. Yet this XML stuff seems daunting to me. Is there a wiki that explains the options we can use via XML, please? Or even the pages where certain tags can be used or not. Not being rude or negative. Looks awesome too and the game is great of course so I cant wait to start to master custom skins. While I'm here. If anybody has any links to editing panels in general I would appreciate it. The main things I'm trying to do if possible is make a new screen to make it easier to praise/criticise players for training performance. Also, to give a bit more info on the panels that recommend putting players on loan. I'm trying to cut down on the amount of page flipping. As I call it.
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