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Everything posted by parspro_

  1. so this still happens, I'm happy to provide some more info. value drops seem to start around June 2032 for me, not for all players and not for all players at the same time. It doesn't seem to be tied to the player's reputation, in my examples below Nyobe has the highest rep, Marcondes the lowest and Nen is in the middle, yet for Nen it happens the latest. I'm obviously playing on a custom database but people I've talked to in the community experience the same on vanilla databases as well. It does seem to affect only players in the league the player is managing in and weaker leagues seem to be affected disproportionally heavier than the Prem or Serie A. I've uploaded 3 save files to the cloud in case you need to recreate a timeline to compare. June tests are from 2032, Jan is from 2033: Value Drop Test Jan 2nd 33.fm Value Drop Test June 2nd.fm Value Drop Test June 7th.fm I've attached screenshots of 3 selected players that show the massive drop in valuation. would be nice if this would be fixed soon since it's essentially breaking longterm saves outside the Top5 leagues. If you need further information or assitance I'll gladly help out where I can.
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