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Issue Comments posted by footyking33

  1. 8 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Would you be able to provide some screenshots, and steps as to how we can reproduce this issue on our end?

    Could you also try removing your cache and preferences folder, as well as any external graphic packs you may have installed.


    I've attached some screenshots I took. Notice that after being substituted the player names just stay grey'd out but don't move to the bench and the players who were substituted in remain in the bench (it's not a duplicate they really have the same first and last name) The columns are also not clickable at all to sort by match rating, condition, assists, or any thing else. Also, I cant seem to find the cache or preference forlders? I am on Windows 10 with the Steam version of the game. If you'd like to recreate this bug on your end bring up your team stats screen like below and click the General Info tab and switch that to any other option like say "Attacking" once you do that sort the Attacking view by anything and then go back to General Info and there is no way to reset the view so it shows the 11 on the pitch and subs properly.


    Thank you



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