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Posts posted by dukenduke

  1. Hi, 

    first of all I want to thank TTF for the very nice job done, really great man.

    A couple of consideration:

    1) the tactics after 2/3 years become less consistent if you stay in the same team and in the same league, have you noticed that? In case of affirmative answer how to counter that?

    2) I've noted that most of Attack Throw in are always taken by opponent goalkeeper. Is that the same for you? What can i do to improve this situation?





  2. Thanks mate. I wasn't 100% happy with the 'Eagle'. I have been working hard on it, taking into account the feedback from everybody. I don't have a specific date for 'final version' sorry.

    **Thankyou very much to those who have helped others and for the overall feedback - great work people.

    No problem mate.

    If u want, i can post my resul with "eagle".

    Thank you for ur work.

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