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424 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. I don't have the in game editor, and I don't plan to buy it only to change this. Any other ideas?
  2. Hi all, I have a problem due to me not reading carefully the registration rules of the league I just promoted to, and I want to know if there is some workaround to be able to register these players. The thing is that I just signed them for less than the minimum salary that is imposed in the league rules. The game didn't give me any warnings (at least, that I saw) about it, so I did not notice until I tried to do the registration. Luckily, I still have about a month until market is closed. In an logic world, I would tell the players "Ey, let's renew your contract with the same conditions but higher salary", and everybody would be happy. But since I just signed the players, they refuse to enter negotiations. Is there anything I can do?
  3. Hi, my left side wing backs have bery good long throws attribute, while my right side ones have tiny numbers there. That's why I want my throw-ins in attack from the left side to be long, but my right side ones to be short ones, since I do now want wing back to switch sides just for this. However, I am not able to find the option to split throw-ins into left and right with the new set pieces creator. Is this impossible?
  4. Hi, is there a way to save a goal replays and watch them in-game? For example adding it to the manager timeline or something like that. I just scored a Maradonian goal and I think it would be pretty cool to be able to find it in the future
  5. So long as you remember your steam account and password, you can obviously install any games you purchased in steam in any computer. To transfer your saves, the easiest way is if you were already saving your saves in the cloud. Then the game in your new computer will automatically download them. If you didn't, you would need to access the data in the hard drive. Depending on what is broken in your old computer this can be straightforward (like just connecting the old drive to the new PC) or simply impossible
  6. Full licensed Japanese leagues. But you also don't get that when starting a new save
  7. I wish we could select to play without them. It makes me quit playing sometimes when the situation becomes too irrational
  8. Be patient guys, it will be solved in another 10 years or so. Meanwhile you can get some fun changing your avatar's scarf
  9. It is not like this hasn't been reported in previous years. SI knows that the whole interaction system does not work properly, which was supposed to be overhauled this year but it doesn't seem like it
  10. I basically agree with the whole post, but THIS is one of the examples where I see changes being done for no positive reason whatsoever. I can not understand why they changed it to being like it is now, it is just a silly decision from someone who never played the game more than 2 matches. My only honest explanation is that they want to artificially increase the time players spend in game, and that's the reason why so many UI changes just made the game worse, more tedious and increased the number of clicks to access to the same info or do the same task that was previously accessible with just a couple of clicks. I can't really find another explanation.
  11. Can you please stop making English teams so overpowered in comparison with teams in any other league? I am tired of seeing almost yearly English teams winning every European competition since FM08. The premier league is strong, but way below the level that it always shows in FM
  12. Oh god, was it false ad? Can somebody post a picture where lightning looks kinda similar?
  13. I can't believe some UI changes made a few years ago to "increase immersion" still haven't been reversed, because they DO NOT INCREASE IMMERSION IN ANY WAY. I am talking, for example, about the UI during press conferences or team talks before the matches. It is just ridiculous. Also, the time bar during matches! Give me the option to have it or not, at least. It is not a real match, it is a game! I want to be able to go back freely as I want during the match if I lose attention for a while, or I just want to review the last few minutes to make some decisions! Make our time more enjoyable, not more tedious.
  14. FM23. But, ME is the only thing that is keeping this ship afloat. Almost everything else is a mess.
  15. Well I am not here to defend the game or the ME or whatever, but if you are not having fun, why do you keep playing? Just play something else, or any of the older versions you like, it is not like FM progressed enormously in the recent years. But if the game is not doing you any good and you keep playing, it is simply an addiction rather than a game.
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